The First Amendment
The casebook you asked for is here! Instructors nationwide have requested a First Amendment off-shoot from the best-selling Constitutional Law casebook by authors Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, and Tushnet. Now, Aspen is proud to meet that request with this current, concise, and focused volume designed expressly for a separate course or seminar dedicated To The First Amendment. Developed fromtheir chapters on Freedom of Expression And The Constitution and Religion, The authors focus 75 percent of the book on freedom of religion. The authors' annual supplement to their Constitutional Law casebook will now include any new developments or revisions To The First Amendment to keep this new text completely up-to-date. Major topics include: content-based restrictions - dangerous ideas and information; and 'low' value speech overbreadth, vagueness, and prior restraint content-neutral restrictions: limitations on the means of communication; And The problem of content-neutrality the Establishment Clause the Free Exercise Clause - required accomodatins permissible accommodation