Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization

Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization 10th International IPCO Conference, New York, NY, USA, June 7-11, 2004, Proceedings

This volume contains the papers accepted for publication at IPCO X, the Tenth International Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, held in New York City, New York, USA, June 7-11, 2004. The IPCO series of conferences presents recent results in theory, computation and applications of integer programming and combinatorial optimization. These conferences are sponsored by the Mathematical Programming Society, and are held in those years in which no International Symposium on Mathematical Programming takes place. IPCO VIII was held in Utrecht (The Netherlands) and IPCO IX was held in Cambridge (USA). A total of 109 abstracts, mostly of very high quality, were submitted. The Program Committee accepted 32, in order to meet the goal of having three days of talks with no parallel sessions. Thus, many excellent abstracts could not be accepted. The papers in this volume have not been refereed. It is expected that revised versions of the accepted papers will be submitted to standard scientific journals for publication. The Program Committee thanks all authors of submitted manuscripts for their support of IPCO. March 2004 George Nemhauser Daniel Bienstock Organization IPCO X was hosted by the Computational Optimization Research Center (CORC), Columbia University.
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