Free Time

Free Time Hire a Virtual Assistant & Liberate Your Life

Do you ever feel like you're overwhelmed by the minutiae of life? Does it seem like your to-do list never shortens and you're wasting your time doing the same tasks over and over and NOT making any headway? Are you trapped in this never-ending cycle with seemingly no way out? There's an answer: virtual assistants! I was trapped, and I found a solution. A few years ago I decided to hire a virtual assistant and it changed my life. Outsourcing mastery was now within my reach! I was able to free up a tremendous amount of time to spend on my passions and my dreams. The minutiae of life? Gone! The feeling that I was trapped in the "to-do list" cycle? Abolished! I did the hard work, found a great virtual assistant, and my experiences (good and bad) formed the basis for this book. This book will take you through everything you need to know about virtual assistants including:- Why you need a virtual assistant - What a virtual assistant can do for you including actual examples of tasks that I and my colleagues have outsourced to virtual assistants - Where to find a virtual assistant - How to interview a virtual assistant - How to best work with a virtual assistant, with tips and guidance on outsourcing from my own personal virtual assistant - A list of technological resources to utilize with your virtual assistant (programs, apps, and more) So many times we talk of better operations and management strategies. But, equally as often, we forget that whenever a task is created, we must always think of whether or not this task could be done more effectively and efficiently by someone else. In many instances, this "someone else" can be a virtual assistant, a professional aide that, due to the technological leaps in the last decade, is now available to even the smallest entrepreneur, solopreneur, and busy professional. These days everyone is using a VA from Michael Hyatt to the smallest one-person business. Virtual freedom is within your reach! Making appointments, answering customer complaints, scheduling interviews, crafting travel itineraries, designing websites, writing blog posts: These are all examples of tasks that can be easily outsourced so that you can spend your time on your passions and making your business run! If you're starting a business, outsourcing mastery is a must--you NEED a virtual assistant to help you compete in the 21st century environment! In the end, hiring a virtual assistant was one of the absolute best ways I could increase my personal efficiency and doing so liberated my life. My hope is that each of you can now take the information I've provided in this book and do the same to liberate your own life to follow your dreams.
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