Popular Tales from the Norse

Popular Tales from the Norse

King.Then Boots pulled out the flask of wine and the wafer, and showed them to the King.'Here you see their meat, and here you see their drink', said he.'Yes', said the King, 'you have watched true and well, and you shall have the Princess and half the kingdom.'So they made ready the wedding-feast, and the King said it should be such a grand one, it should be the talk far and near.But when they sat down to the bridal-feast, the bridegroom got up and went down to the stable, for he said he had forgotten something, and must go to fetch it. And when he got down there, he did as the Foals had said, and hewed their heads off, all seven, the eldest first, and the others after him; and at the same time he took care to lay each head at the tail of the foal to which it belonged; and as he did this, lo! they all became Princes again.So when he went into the bridal hall with the seven princes, the King was so glad he both kissed Boots and patted him on the back, and his bride was still more glad of him than she had been before.'Half the kingdom you have got already', said the King, 'and the other half you shall have after my death; for my sons can easily get themselves lands and wealth, now they are princes again.'And so, like enough, there was mirth and fun at that wedding. I was there too; but there was no one to care for poor me; and so I got nothing but a bit of bread and butter, and I laid it down on the stove, and the bread was burnt and the butter ran, and so I didn't get even the smallest crumb. Wasn't that a great shame?
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