Plant Hormones

Plant Hormones

Volume 72 is wholly dedicated to the topic of plant hormones. Although Vitamins and Hormones is normally dedicated to mammalian hormone action, this volume is unique to plants and their actions through receptors. The genetic aspects and the receptorology are reminiscent of the mammlian systems. The well-known hormones are reviewed including cytokinins, abscicic acid, gibberellin and auxin. In addition there are reviews on nitric oxide, brassinosteroids, jasmonate, ethylene, and pheromones. Other topics included are genes that are regulated by abscicic acid and gibberellin, functional differentiation and transition of peroxisomes, plant antioxidants, gravitropic bending and the actions of plant hormones on glutathione transferase. *Includes color illustrations *Available on ScienceDirect *Longest running series published by Academic Press *Contributions by leading international authorities
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