Horse A Novel

Loved the Jarret sections, hated the Theo-Jess sections.

unique way of mixing different historical plots. Got heavy handed on how it discussed modern day racism and theo plot felt abrupt (tell not show)

A mostly true (historical fiction) account of a horse and more importantly the people who fed, groomed, raced, painted, nursed, sold, admired, bet on, and studied him. The jumps in time were akin to the wonderful People of the Book by the same author. As an audiobook listener I wish two of the narrators’ voices (or stories) were more distinctive as I occasionally has to work to figure out where I was in time. As the horse racing industry comes under increased scrutiny, it is useful to see its ugly beginnings laid bare. Especially the stories of slaves and free black men who could not own, race, or even bet on the horses to whom they were devoted. In sum, an engaging tale with an important message for today’s readers.