Words, Texts, and Concepts Cruising the Mediterranean Sea

Words, Texts, and Concepts Cruising the Mediterranean Sea Studies on the Sources, Contents and Influences of Islamic Civilization and Arabic Philosophy and Science : Dedicated to Gerhard Endress on His Sixty-fifth Birthday

Table of Contents Words, Texts, and Concepts Cruising the Mediterranean Sea : Studies on the Sources, Contents and Influences of Islamic Civilization and Arabic Philosophy and Science: Dedicated to Gerhard Endress on His Sixty-Fifth Birthday by Endress, Gerhard; Arnzen, Rüdiger; Thielmann, Jorn; Thielmann, J. (Editor); Arnzen, R. (Editor) Terms of Use Preface p. XI Gerhard Endress zum 65. Geburtstag Hans Hinrich Biesterfeldt p. XV Tabula Gratulatoria p. XXI The Works of Gerhard Endress (1966-2004) p. XXIII I Mustashriq "Ein Orientalist". Muhammad Rajab al-Bayyumis Kurzgeschichte Mustashriq Werner Ende p. 3 II Diachronic Hermeneutics of Arabic Texts The Author's Introduction as a Key to Understanding Trends in Islamic Philosophy Steven Harvey p. 15 L'embarras d'un exegete musulman face a un palimpseste. Maturidi et la sourate de l'Abondance (al-Kaw-thar, sourate 108), avec une note savante sur le commentaire coranique d'Ibn al-Naqib (m. 698/1298) Claude Gilliot p. 33 Meccan Texts - Medinan Additions? Politics and the re-reading of liturgical communications Angelika Neuwirth p. 71 Ibn Sina and Aristotle: a study in technique Malcolm C. Lyons p. 95 III Arabic Lexicography and Linguistics Quecksilber Manfred Ullmann p. 113 One Letter Does Not Make a Word: the doubly weak imperatives in Arabic Kees Versteegh p. 131 Etymology, Etymological Fallacy and the Pitfalls of Literal Translation of some Arabic and Islamic Terms Andrzej Zaborski p. 143 IV Greek Into Arabic, Arabic Into Latin Asklepios und seine Sippe. Eine grakoarabistische Nachlese Gotthard Strohmaier p. 151 The Greek Sage, the pseudo-Theology of Aristotle and the Arabic Plotinus Cristina D'Ancona p. 159 Aristotle, Poetics 1453 b 16-17 Gerald M. Browne p. 177 Maurice Bouyges et une edition humaniste d'une traduction attribuee a Guillaume de Luna Roland Hissette p. 179 V Syllogistics, the Art of Demonstration, and the First Principles for Reasoning About Being Geometry and the Rebirth of Philosophy in Arabic with al-Kindi Dimitri Gutas p. 195 Finding First Principles, Possibility or Impasse? Charles E. Butterworth p. 211 Aspects de la logique hypothetique chez Farabi Henri Hugonnard-Roche p. 223 Taxinomie topique. La classification themisteenne des lieux chez Boece, Averroes et Abu l-Barakat al-Baghdadi Ahmad Hasnawi p. 245 Le syllogisme poetique selon Le Livre de la Poetique d'Ibn Tumlus Maroun Aouad p. 259 VI Substance and some intellects in the Philosophies of Ibn Rushd (Averroes) and His Readers Substance in Averroes' Middle Commentary on Metaphysics Z Josep Puig p. 273 Separate Material Intellect in Averroes' Mature Philosophy Richard C. Taylor p. 289 Ibn Rushd et Molla Sadra Shirazi: L'intellect entre deux destins Mohamed Mesbahi p. 311 Der tatige Intellekt in sich und in seiner gluckvermittelnden Funktion - eine mittelalterliche Quaestio Burkhard Mojsisch p. 331 VII History and Historiography of Medieval Arabic-Islamic Sciences Die Fada'il-Literatur als Quelle der Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Das Beispiel des agyptischen Historikers Ibn Zulaq (10. Jh.) Hans Daiber p. 355 La classification des courbes: Geminus et al-Sijzi Roshdi Rashed p. 387 Ibn Hazm's Tadpoles: a Zahirite reads the book of nature Remke Kruk p. 401 Euclid and al-Farabi in MS Vatican, Reg. lat. 1268 Charles Burnett p. 411 VIII Truth - Human Language - Human Knowledge. Islamic Concepts in Transition Adam and the Technical Terms of Medieval Islam Michael G. Carter p. 439 Dialogpartner im Widerspruch: Ibn Rushd und Ibn Taymiya uber die "Einheit der Wahrheit" Anke von Kugelgen p. 455 La terminologie des sciences humaines dans le patrimoine arabo-islamique Gerard Jehamy p. 483 Bildungskanon und Bildungsreform aus der Sicht eines islamischen Gelehrten der Anatolischen Provinz: Muhammad al-Sajaqli (Sacaqli-zade, gest. um 1145/1733) und sein Tartib al-`ulum Stefan Reichmuth p. 493 IX Near Eastern Towns: Symbols of Imperial Power and Touchstones of Divine Providence Planer und Stadter im Alten und mittelalterlichen Vorderen Orient Heinz Gaube p. 523 Ein Memra des Jakob von Serug auf Edessa und Jerusalem Peter Bruns p. 537 Die Hoheit uber Mekka in Zeiten der imperialen Krise. Der mamlukische Pilgerzug 920/1514-15 im Kontext von Tradition und Zeitgeschehen Esther Peskes p. 555 X Ideal Rulers and Eschatological Sovereigns The "General Policy" of the Ikhwan al-Safa': Plato and Aristotle restated Carmela Baffioni p. 575 A Little-known Mirror for Princes by al-Ghazali Carole Hillenbrand p. 593 Al-Mahdi, al-Mansur und faras al-nawba Hannes Mohring p. 603 Index of Names and Places p. 619 Index of Subjects and Termini Technici p. 635 Index of Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern Works Quoted or Referred to p. 641 Descriptive content provided by Syndetics"! a Bowker service. Summary Words, Texts, and Concepts Cruising the Mediterranean Sea : Studies on the Sources, Contents and Influences of Islamic Civilization and Arabic Philosophy and Science: Dedicated to Gerhard Endress on His Sixty-Fifth Birthday by Endress, Gerhard; Arnzen, Rüdiger; Thielmann, Jorn; Thielmann, J. (Editor); Arnzen, R. (Editor) Terms of use The remarkable extension in depth and width of Muslim intellectual life can be fathomed and measured only against the background of what went on immediately before, and simultaneously elsewhere, or it will remain, in any real sense, unexplored. This statement by the late Franz Rosenthal is, in a sense, the uniting theme of the present volume's 35 articles by renowned scholars of Islamic Studies, Middle Eastern Languages and Civilizations, and various allied fields of research in honor of a scholar congenial to Franz Rosenthal and exemplary in his scientific carefulness and integrity: Dr Gerhard Endress, Professor of Oriental Philology and Islamic Studies at the Ruhr University Bochum. Central topics of the contributions include Arabic philosophy and its Greek sources and Latin reception, the history and historiography of Arabic-Islamic science, and Latin reception, the history and historiography of Arabic-Islamic science, and Islamic concepts of language, knowledge, science and pedagogy. Otherarticles deal with koranic studies, Arabic lexicography and linguistics, the history of Middle Eastern civilizations, the medieval translations movements from Greek into Arabic and from Arabic into Latin as well as with political and eschatological theories of medieval Islam. Rooted in different scientific traditions and methodological approaches the studies collected in this Festschrift form a vivid and stimulating synopsis of more than 1000 years of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean intellectual, social and cultural history. Descriptive content provided by Syndetics"! a Bowker service.
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