Getting His Game Back A Novel

I have a lot of thoughts reading this. it was good at first but turned out it became flat for me. it didn't stick with me for long but I tried to finish the book. this book is enough to be read once to get an impression but I never think will pick it up again in the future. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

*4.5 I received a copy through netgalley. I throughly enjoyed this book but I would caution people to look up trigger warnings before they read as it deals fairly heavily with depression. I really liked how we got to see Khalil's journey throughout the book and him learning to let other people help him. I think this book has a really good message about letting men be allowed to feel things and I really liked that. The romance was also super cute and I loved the end of the book.

no chemistry, weird choppy dialogue, poorly paced, way too preachy

Getting His Game Back was such a good read. It had mental health representation, was a little above average steam level, and featured a badass female protagonist that I was absolutely NOT crushing on. The characters were fun and gentle and I liked how the author took a very delicate issue and shone light on it without eroding its defining elements. Definitely recommend if you need help breaking out of a funk, you haven't read a romance novel with proper mental health representation in forever, or you want a story where the love between the protagonists is tender and feeling. Blog link: https://litdarlings.com/

Ok. So I will start with the good. This story had great potential. It was written well and the characters were easy to follow and connect with. The relationship between Vanessa and Khalil was very funny and cute to see unfold and come full circle. But....Now for the bad. I'm not sure what was the goal here but I felt very uncomfortable with a white man using AAVE (African American Vernacular English). I understand that he went to an HBCU and played professional basketball. I was ok with the fact that he owned a barbershop and his business partner/ bestfriend was a black man named Darius. I couldn't understand the purpose of giving Khalil all these predominantly black characteristics but making him a white man. It didn't seem realistic and come off forced. In the current day and age with everyone airing on the side of being politically correct and respecting everyone's cultural boundaries, it didn't seem realistic that Khalil would have taken tone with anyone given the fact of his educational background and the history of the the college he attended. Other that that, I think the book had great protentional but had major character development issues. ***Received ARC for honest review***

Ultimate Feel Good Reading Book Vanessa has had enough with dating white men and men in general. She has a list of the qualities she wants in a boyfriend. Then her salon gets burned down and she turns to Fade, and reluctantly goes to Khalil the owner to get her hair done. The attraction to him is instantaneous. For both of them, Khalil feels like he has lost his dating game when it comes to her. Will he be able to get it back? When I first started this book, I felt that the POV would make me hate the book. However, the flow of the book only made the POV more interesting. My most favorite scenes were the pre-dating phase where it was that cute awkward! I really appreciated the book as it follows Khalil and Vanessa as they learn about each other for a couple of months, and the TENSION between the two of them. This man written by a woman is definitely one I want to read more of. The fact that Gia was able to write about the struggles of interracial dating and have Khalil listen to Vanessa's concerns with dating. I also appreciated how their conversations didn't feel forced, and that Khalil genuinely listened to her. Gia also did an amazing job when it comes to representing mental health and the struggle of seasonal depression. It wasn't the classic, "I'm such a horrible person". It felt good to see it represented in an accurate way.

** spoiler alert ** Khalil Sarda, you have my heart. This book was so good, from the fluffy romantic moments to the discussions on interracial relationships and severe depression. I loved reading both of the characters’ perspectives and what they were each going through throughout their relationship. Vanessa was such a great heroine. I thought it was great how she completely understood everything Khalil was going through. She constantly reassured him when he kicked himself for making mistakes. She stood by him and fought for him when he was at his worse. She constantly voiced her opinion, her concerns, and she’s a literal badass in her field. I loved her. Khalil was just so pure and I fell in love with him instantly. The way he listened to Vanessa’s concerns and understood her completely. He was genuine and charming and just amazing. Seeing how his depression impacted him was heartbreaking, and I’m glad he had people like Vanessa and Darius at his side to help. Overall, I loved this book. Now I want a book about Darius!

** spoiler alert ** Thank you so much to NetGalley and Random House Publishing for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Getting his game back is a multifaceted story. Gia De Cadenet crafted a well balanced book that is both tooth achingly sweet while also being hard hitting and real. It focuses on the main characters Vanessa and Khalil as meet by chance and embark on all consuming romance. This story focuses on the reality of interracial relationships and how past experiences can impact your frame of mind in dating. The passion and the love that is shared on page have a way of leaping out of the book and snatching your heart. While this book is super sweet and sultry, it is important to acknowledge that it tackles some difficult topics. This book has trigger warnings for suicide attempts, racial fetishization, sexism, gaslighting, depression, dementia and anxiety. Gia De Cadenet has crafted an amazing and supportive cast of characters that feel real. Vanessa is a boss lady with a heart of gold. Her tribe includes an equally strong matriarch in her grandmother, Ma-max, a hilarious and down to earth friend of the family, Arletta, a calming cousin Bibi and a timely best friend in Lisa. Khalil is the world’s most caring and chivalrous (unicorn) gentleman. His support system consists of an equally sensitive twin Karim, a rider of a best friend Darius and a silent but strong brother Mo. This book is perfect for readers who are looking for love and emotional realism. Someone who loves love, enjoys a good steamy scene and wants to relate with their MCs.