
Home is where herongraystairs is 🤍 I don’t have much to say but I’m overwhelmed that Jem and Tessa’s hearts are together again with Will’s absence present between them after years of stone, silence, agony, and grief. This book had a lot to give: jessa’s adventures, our baby mina, domestic malec, kitty angst, livvy as a ghost, druash, thule!jace, and the tmi gang!! I cannot wait for TWP to come out. There’s so much more left unanswered and I want that last installment in my hands. I feel dead inside <3

i give it 4.8/5 because, honestly, it’s beautiful. yes i make it 5/5 because this book deserves it. Jem’s story throughout a century really touched me.

ofc 5 stars for the one and only james carstairs aka brother snackariah couldnt care less abt the side characters' plot lines i skipped them all XD

Ghosts of the Shadow Market: 3.5/5 “Every world contains worlds within it. People wander through all the worlds they can find, searching for their homes.” Whew, this book took me a long time to read. That being said, it is definitely my favorite bindup of novellas within the Shadowhunter Chronicles. While in the previous few novellas, I feel like each short story kind of bleeds together. These were distinctly different from each other, and I believe that is largely due to Jem, formally Brother Zachariah. Since Brother Zachariah has lived seemingly three different lives by this point, there was a lot to cover in this book. I really liked seeing his experience in the Shadow Markets and his thoughts throughout all the different potions of his life. This book is a lot more than just Jem, though. This perfectly weaves into The Dark Artifices and provides a lot of insight on past events and seemingly future endeavors. As always, I will be reviewing each short story! Cast Long Shadows: ★★★ The book opens with 1901, where we see Matthew Fairchild make a grave mistake at the London Shadow Market. This story explores the emotional turmoil Matthew experiences due to this mistake and his undying guilt. It was a sorrowful story to open with, but I enjoyed Matthews's character's insight. I definitely think this will come into play more within The Last Hours. Every Exquisite Thing: ★★★★ Once again, we are placed within the time period and setting of The Last Hours. Here, we meet Anna Lightwood and her self-discovery journey through a catalyst of another young woman called Ariadne. I really enjoyed the queer representation in Anna Lightwood's character. I am extremely excited to revisit her within The Last Hours. Learn About Loss: ★★★ This story follows Brother Zachariah and a soon-to-be-iron sister, Emilia, allied and looking for a demon within a Shadow Market. This story gave me all the feels, and I definitely love Emilia. We get to explore all the hardships and lovely moments that Jem wishes he could have had as a Silent Brother. This story made my heart hurt. I wish we got a bit more Will and Jem content at the end of it. I think this story will have a part to play within Queen of Air and Darkness A Deeper Love: ★★★ This story was not one I was expecting. We see Catarina Loss and Tessa Grey working as nurses during World War II. In this story, a Shadow Market that Jem was attending is bombed, and he seeks out Tessa and Catarina for help. This story is heartbreaking and explores the extreme loss that both Tessa and Jem have suffered. This definitely was not the most riveting story out of them all, but entertaining nonetheless. The Wicked Ones: ★★ In this story, we are placed in 1989 Paris, where we meet a young girl named Céline and get to see Valentine's uprising. Again. Céline runs away from home due to a hard upbringing, and this story takes place about ten years after that. Céline is desperately trying to feel loved and welcome, and she finds that within Valentine's forces. She is also definitely head over heels in love with Stephen Herondale. Alongside this plotline, we see Brother Zachariah again looking for a lost child and necklace within the Paris Shadow Market. Overall, this story didn't do it for me. I'm sick of hearing about Valentine's rise to power over and over again. I was bored. Son of Dawn: ★★★ This story is set in 2000 within the New York Shadow Market, an incredibly cool place. We get to see Jace and how he came to join the Lightwood family. This was definitely important to read after the events in Lord of Shadows. Seeing the kind and gentle side of Robert Lightwood brought up some emotions that I was not ready for. We also get interactions between the Lightwoods and Jace as children. It was definitely cute and heartfelt. The Land I Lost: ★★★★.5 Oh my gosh! I loved this! Lily Chen is hands down one of my favorite characters in the Shadowhunter Chronicles. PERIOD. She is so funny that I actually was laughing out loud at some of her comments. She is also confirmed to be pan! Everything about her is so wonderful; I definitely will be needing more Lily content. This is definitely the longest story within this bindup. Alec goes to the Buenos Aires Institute after a message from Jem and Tessa asking for help regarding the Shadow Market. Alec learns that the Buenos Aires market asked for Alec specifically and that it is under the heavy influence of Horace Dearborn. Essentially the institute is a mess and allows orphans made by the Dark War to live on the street because they are Downworlders. Within this mess, Alec stumbles across an orphan shadowhunter boy called Rafael. We know from previous books that Alec and Magnus have another adopted son named Rafael, and here we see the origin story. This story is tied in so many pieces. We get more insight into what happened within Cast Long Shadows and how Matthew's mistake came to be, and this is definitely going to come into play in Queen of Air and Darkness. Furthermore, we get adorable scenes between Rafe and Alec, along with more Max and Magnus content. When their whole family reunites with their new addition, Rafe, my heart was so full. Through Blood, Through Fire: ★★★.5 Honestly, I thought this story was so boring, but then the second half came in like a full storm! It follows Jem and Tessa looking for the lost Herondale (again), and we find some information about Rosemary and Jack, but it all felt like repeats of stuff we already knew. Then, out of nowhere, this story meets directly with events from Lady Midnight, and we get to see a whole scene replay from Tessa and Jem's perspective. That was so cool to me, but then it gets even better when some massive information drops at the very end. I could not stop smiling! I am so excited for more about this. Ghosts of Old Loves: ★★★★ THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS FROM LORD OF SHADOWS. PROCEED WITH CAUTION: This was a sad one. We're back in 2013, where Ty is now part of the Scholomance, but we see it through the ghost of Livvy. Yeah. Heartbreaking. This is due to a failed necromancy attempt by Ty to bring Livvy back. In this story, they try to test the limit of Livvy's newfound powers and state of being. We learn A LOT in this story, and it will definitely be important in Queen of Air and Darkness, and remember, Kit can also see ghosts. Crazy. Forever Fallen: ★★★★★ Sheesh. This was incredible. The writing in this story is like no other, and without a doubt, I know this is a huge impact on Queen of Air and Darkness. Did we meet the new antagonist? I think so. We are met with two very different perspectives: Jem, Tessa, Kit, Baby Mina (MY HEART), Janus, aka Jace from Thule, or a different world/dimension. This story switches back and forth between Jem finally being a dad to Kit and Mina and having all of his dreams come true versus Janus, who has had all he loves wrenched away from him within this alternate universe. I felt sympathetic with Janus at one point because all he longs for is to be reunited with a version of Clary who isn't dead. We see him quite literally looking through a window into the life that could have been his, with all his friends alive and thriving. We also get to see more about Ash, and it made me so hyped to finial The Dark Artifices. What a perfect lead-in to the next book. Chef's kiss. Overall, Ghosts of the Shadow Market is 3.5 stars for me because out of 50 possible stars, I have given it 35, or 70%. Definitely worthwhile, and you should 100% read it before Queen of Air and Darkness!

So many intricate plotlines that tie together. I really enjoyed this collection of short stories, even more than TFSA

Relatos centrados en Jem a lo largo de las décadas, donde la trama y los distintos personajes de alguna forma se conecta con el mercado de las sombras. EXCELENTE. Mi relato favorito es "The Land I Lost" ALEC LIGHTWOOD, eres lo máximo, tus ideales, tu carácter, tu personalidad, ¡chico lo tienes todo! Que tenga un favorito no hace de menos a los demás, amo a Jem desde el primer momento que lo leí y estos relatos fueron una bendición. Leerlo desde el momento en que intenta aferrarse a su lado mortal luchando contra la vida de los hermanos silenciosos, luego cuando sus recuerdos son ya vagos y sus sentimientos empiezan a ser menos intensos, luego CUANDO ES MORTAL nuevamente y decide permanecer así porque ¿CÓMO SER UN CAZADOR DE SOMBRAS Y LUCHAR SABIENDO QUE YA NO LO HACE AL LADO DE SU AMADÍSIMO PARABATAI WILL HERONDALE? Destruida y feliz. Así termine los relatos.

Idk how exactly to review this because it was short stories but some I absolutely adored and others were just okay...breakdown below!! The 2 additional ones that were in the physical book were definitely some of my favourites! Cast Long Shadows - 3 Every Exquisite Thing - 3 Learn About Loss - 4 A Deeper Love - 5 The Wicked Ones - 3 Son of the Dawn - 5 The Land I Lost - 4.5 Through Blood, Through Fire - 5 The Lost World - 5 Forever Fallen - 5

** spoiler alert ** I was crying, I was sobbing, I was screaming. So many emotions. My baby Jem. 😭 He deserves the world. I loved every story. Each time they mentioned Will Herondale I shed a tear.

No offense Janus, but I really hope you die.

Cast Long Shadows- 4.5 Every Exquisite Thing- 4 Learn About Loss- 3.5 A Deeper Love- 5 The Wicked Ones- 3.5 Son of the Dawn- 3 The Land I Lost- 4 Through Blood,Through Fire- 4 The Lost World- 3.5 Forever Fallen- 4

Ya extrañaba al mundo de Cazadores de Sombras y este libro me ha anestesiado (en el buen sentido de la palabra). Todas las historias han sido increíbles y sobre todo leer de nuevo a Jem y demás personajes. Lo que mas me ha gustado ha sido el recorrido que no han dado a través del tiempo. No le doy 5 estrellas porque los relatos me han parecido muy largos.

I know, my rating is a bit lower than the average 😬 Let me start by saying that I am not generally a fan of collections of short stories. I find them unsatisfying and I don’t enjoy the constant switching of characters and settings. I prefer to dive deep into a story and just let in envelope me for 400-600+pages (bonus if it’s a trilogy, so 3x that!!) That said, I do often enjoy novellas about beloved characters, so a book where Jem is prominently featured seemed like a no-brainer; especially when the link between novellas is the Shadow Market, which is a very intriguing setting. However the first 1/3 of this book was... well, boring. Sorry. I was bored, and I would literally set it down for days before picking it up again and reading just a bit. It gradually improved, probably because the novellas started featuring characters with whom I was more familiar and with whom I had already formed a connection, or had more interest in; but it still wasn’t gripping, with the novellas basically containing circumstances and events that were completely non-essential to the general narrative of whatever point in the Shadowhunter Chronicles they fit in. Give me some juicy bits, dammit!! The last few novellas improved on that, shedding light on things that had been left unexplained and providing a few teasers about possible future books... (can we skip Chain of Gold and go straight to more tales featuring the Blackthorns? Pretty please?) Overall, I guess my rating for this is 3 1/2 STARS — not bad (especially the last 1/3 of the book was actually quite good) but not particularly satisfying. I would however recommend it, if you are the kind of reader who is always wondering what happened “behind the scenes”; for instance here you find out a bit more about Jace’s mom and her personal history, how Jem and Tessa found Kit, how Alec met Rafe, etc. Plus, it’s a beautiful book, so there’s that 😊

As is usually the case with the Shadowhunters novella collections, the best stories are the first few and the last few. But I enjoyed them all. I just adore the characters that Cassandra Clare has created, and Jem has always been one of my favorites, so I was very excited that he was finally getting his own chance to shine. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go reread “The Land I Lost” eight thousand times. Magnus and Alec will always be one of the best things to ever come out of the Shadowhunters world, and seeing them be dads? Precious. As Max says, “I’m love him.” (GOD he’s too cute. And so is Rafe. When he started crying?? My whole heart shattered, wow).

the last two chapters made me so emo omg 💔💔

i’d missed this world and these characters so much, so i knew i would enjoy these stories regardless. i liked some more than others of course, mostly because of the characters that were featured, but they were all equally well written and i didn’t find myself uninterested in any of them. getting to read more about jem and tessa throughout the years was great and of course the glimpse into magnus and alec’s life together was amazing as well. 4.75 stars

four months until i can get my ty blackthorn fix

Im a broken grammophone, but I NEED MORE! I need to continue the story and fast. CC plz hear my prayer and write more soon

"love reawakened, love returned." 😵💫😵💫😵💫

Yup. That's it. Jem and Tessa just killed me. This book is killing me with the FEELS.

“Will, my Will. You would be so proud.” If you’ve read Infernal Devices and are forever sad there is no more content on your three favourite people, this is the book for you. Jem is basically one of the key characters in this book, and he keeps Will and Tessa so close to his heart even when they’re not there, they’re there. His stories are so amazing, stories from the time of Infernal Devices to ones during the Dark Artifices. THIS BOOK MAKES YOU FEEL THINGS you WILL cry

4.5 i love tessa jem mina and kit so much!!!! crying a lot with them being so damn lovely with other ughhh perfect u know.

Another great short story collection !! Faves were The Land I Lost, Through Blood Through Fire & Forever Fallen. “You choose to be yourself, your best self. You can be descended from gods and monsters. You can take the light they left you and be a lamp shining out all their light made new. You can battle the darkness. You can choose always to fight and hope. That is what it means to have a great heart. Don't be afraid of being yourself."

4.275 stars on average between all single story ratings 4.335 stars single story ratings weighted by story lengths I read the first 8 stories last year as they were coming out and now reread those as well as reading the last two. And I am tempted to give this 5 stars over all. I love the Shadowhunter World immensely. I feel so much for a lot of the characters and this collection was definitely the best one yet. Cast Long Shadows: 3.75 stars Every Exquisite Thing: 5 stars Learn about Loss: 3.25 stars A Deeper Love: 4.5 stars The Wicked Ones: 3.5 stars Son of the Dawn: 4 stars The Land I Lost: 4.75 stars Through Blood, Through Fire: 4.25 stars The Lost World: 4 stars Forever Fallen 5 stars

so many great things about this. by far the greatest ? Jem Carstairs and everything he does in this book.

"My father says--said- a parabatai can be a great weakness."
I am literally going to cry for 11 year old Jace

Never fear, said Brother Zachariah. I am fighting with you.
He’s fighting back to back with 11 year old Jace. The descendant of his lost parabatai. And he has no idea. The parallels have me dead 😭

It was with vague surprise that Zachariah thought this could be the end. There should have been something more than surprise to the idea, but all he knew was the hollownes he had felt walking through the Market and the sound of his Brothers’ voices, colder than the sea. He did not care about these vampires. He did not care about himself
This makes me so sad for Jem. It’s been so hard to see him lose his humanity over the 100 years of this book (so far). He tries so desperately to hold on to some part of who he was, but you can see here how far he has fallen and it’s heartbreaking

Later Matthew would look back and remember it as his last happy day.

Matthew had taken to reading more and more literature of old, stories of doomed love and noble battles. He could not find himself in them, but he saw James in them, and that was enough.
This makes me really sad for Matthew. I love that he sees James in the stories, but Matthew is just as impressive and worthy of the stories. I wish that he knew it