
Ruud Gras@ruud
This book is fun to read. It contains only 4 stories from the Decamerone. In its time it must have been daring. Sexual morale is the main theme. All 4 are written in a very amusing way. The excellent translation makes the reading of such old texts easy.

Andrew Sztehlo@sztehlocomics
Weird horny strange funny stories from 14th century Florence? More of this please.


Laura Scanlan@lauralollipop

Noel Antonio Lopez@jupitersun

maitha mana@maithalikesapplepies

Marina Cavalcanti @dino

Shivam Shekhar@shivamx96

Savannah Garrit@vannahhh_17

Brigid Hogan@br1gid

Jasmin @lostmymindinbooks

Andrea Henderson@arhenderson5

Emily C Peterson@etrigg


Shreya Bajpai@shrreereee
‘Young ladies require something else apart from food and clothing, though modesty forbids them to spell it out’
Ricciardo da Chinzica loses his wife