Girls with Razor Hearts

I still don’t trust any of them lol. But the author is so hell bent on violence and ‘men bad, all men must die’ like girl who hurt you? Yes some boys can be demeaning and hurtful but you wanna tell me females aren’t just as bad? I dunno not a whole lot happens until the final pages and all of a sudden it’s like you get a plot twist, you get a plot twist, everyone gets a plot twist all within 3 sentences of each other.

Thank you to Netgalley & Simon Pulse for providing me with a copy of Girls with Razor Hearts in exchange for an honest review! Girls with Sharp Sticks was one of my favorite reads of last year, and held up it’s steam when I reread it for the second time in preparation of Girls with Razor Hearts. So many plot twists, so much good — I absolutely needed more. So, major heck yeah when I got a hold of the second book of the series, Girls With Razor Hearts. And, reader, I must say — I was not disappointed in the direction that this book went. To begin with, this book angered me. I’m pretty sure I felt my blood boil on multiple occasions; Suzanne Young made me feel so many emotions that I didn’t necessarily want to feel, but which truly made me stop and think about the mess that is this world. At some points, it did feel cluttered with political debates, but it still felt relevant to the story & in no way distracted me. As with Girls with Sharp Sticks, the sequel sticks to throwing you off course with plot twists. I, again, didn’t see anything coming, especially one of the ending reveals. Girls with Razor Hearts was a wild ride from start-to-finish, and definitely kept the pages turning. I’m a huge fan of the friendships in Girls with Razor Hearts; I’m always here for girls that stick together. There’s so much love between the girls from Innovations Academy, and I’m 100% here for it. If you enjoyed Girls with Sharp Sticks, then definitely pick up the sequel. It picks up right where the first book ended and continues to hold on tight even after you finish. This is a fantastic dystopian series, and am beyond excited to see where it ends up going.

2.5 stars I was really disappointed in this one. I had loved "Girls with Sharp Sticks", and had high hopes for this one. But it all felt too heavy handed to read, at times painfully so. I get that it's YA and slightly sci-fi, but WHEW was it hard to listen to at points. I'm not sure if I want to continue with the series after this, but since my friend finished them all, I might as well do the same.