
** spoiler alert ** Since Goethe is generally pleasant to read, this reading was not torture either! The little plot twist would have been great if you hadn't already known about the relationship. Of course, Iphigenie's moral actions play a major role in the epoch. At this point, I find it sly and simply stupid not to put the rescue of her long-lost brother first. In a way, it was quite selfish of her to want everyone to agree with their return to their home. Thus she risked the life of her brother, her cousin and many other visitors who were able to set foot on the island in the future. In some books, it's not good if the protagonist is unsympathetic. Values like truth and honesty were exposed in a bad way!

I didn’t understand this for the love of me

Für eine Schullektüre wirklich mal was anderes. Mir gefiel die Handlung, die dahinter steckt. Allerdings kam ich manchmal etwas mit den vielen Namen durcheinander und die Ausdrücke waren doch bemerklich alt... Ohne Wikipedia hätte ich manches vielleicht nicht verstanden.