Golden Son

Que que foi isso

I really liked this, it was hard to follow up the first one but I think this delivered, what I liked most is that the first one left a lot unanswered and also focused more on the fighting, and this one was more introspective and focused more on the politicking, which was my jam

Idk man some of these “twists” and shock factor moments are getting exhausting. Still an entertaining read though. This series would make good big budget action movies.

the plot only GETS BETTER! love seeing a writer grow. pushes me to ask questions about society in a similar way to hunger games. excellent read. onto book 3!

This book was fast-paced and full of action and political scheming. Author does a fantastic job writing war and all the tragedy that comes with it. Great follow-up to Red Rising, and looking forward to next.

Not as gripping for me as the first. Got lost in all the names and space talk. There’s a joke about how this is not the Iliad near the end and sometimes I did feel like we were veering into unnecessary confusion. BUT that ending…woke me up real quick.

The ending blew me away, the last 100 pages were incredible. Unfortunately the beginning of the book didn’t capture the same intensity of the last 100 pages or first book. Still really good just a bit slow but also there were times where I feel like it moved too fast in a way where I was constantly missing something. Still great, excited for book 3, 4.3/5

I definitely enjoyed the first one more, but Golden Son was still pretty solid. And that ending got me like On to the next one!

shaking in my boots at the drama, the twists, the execution!!! this book explores humanity, love, friendship, betrayal, and anger in all its forms

i nearly screamed on the plane how does that make you feel pierce brown

Just incredible. Edge of my seat the entire time, laughed, cried. This and Red Rising are the best books I’ve read in years.

Mischung aus Science Fiction und Fantasy. Gutes world-building, starke Protagonist*innen und krasse Schlachten. Starkes (vorläufiges?) Ende der Trilogie.

Full of twists and turns, great beach reading

better than the 1st —women better written and developed.

Definitely better than the first one Far more happens here, and the weight of the consequence is palpable. Characters don more importance, events lay thicker. Twists are more elaborate. Nevertheless, the authors general writing ability lags. The words are simplistic and overly dramatic, and the story is sometimes stitched together with “and then”. Definitely an improvement, but more to go

that's a cruel cliffhanger... and a bunch of unexpected plot twists... darrow's still a jerk tho

4.3 Stars ⭐️ holy fuck

3.25. Better writing and less predictable than Red Rising, but still mostly an entertainment book.

I'm not a conquering hero. I'm a necessary evil. GIVE MY BOY DARROW A BREAK!!!!!!!!!!! PIERCE BROWN, YOU ARE EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF WITH THE ENDING??????!!!!!!

kinda disappointed with book 2 and I didn't enjoy reading it as much as book 1, book 3 def going a bit further back in my tbr

** spoiler alert ** where do i even start? golden son was really something, only one other book (series) has ever put me through an emotional wringer like this. every little detail in this book was worth paying attention to because pierce brown leaves no stone unturned. this was in no way a senseless science fiction, it really explored the tragedy of human nature and the relationships developed in this book were the most profound and complex i’ve ever read. there’s a big cast of characters and not one was irrelevant, pierce brown breathed so much life into the supporting characters that i cried at their pain. i really love how Darrow, as hot headed as he was (rightfully so), remained self aware through it all, he’s broken, confused, (stupid)ly brave and gets ahead of himself way too much, yet he realizes this and isn’t afraid to say so. I could go on all day about every single character, but i’ll stop here. it took me longer than i would have liked to finish the book, but that’s on me because i’m pushing through a slump. golden son was epic, i’ll always recommend it.

This was even better than the first book just because of that ending omg

Just like being repeatedly punched in the face by plot…

Not a full 5 stars simply because I didn't love that there was a massive time jump and I was still a bit confused with characters 😂

“Power is the crown that eats the head”

Sometimes I wonder if (Cassius) were raised a Red and I a Gold if he wouldn't have ended up a better man than l am now, and I a worse man than he ever could be.

Fitchner smiles "Who can I reason with?"
"Me" The Jackal takes a step forward.
"Hmm...pass! You're creepy"
He shoots the Jackal in the chest with the stunFist.

Rise Man of Mars, and take with you my Wrath

I look into the box and see Fitchner's head staring back at me, eyeless, mouth stuffed with grapes. Ares, the one hope we had, the one man who picked me up when I was broken and gave me a chance for something better than revenge, has been butchered. And I know we are undone.

"Sevro scared the piss out of me. I wasn't looking at what he was wearing," Roque replies, drawing laughs. "I thought he'd been bitten bya squirrel and contracted rabies somehow."
"Roque?" Sevro calls sweetly.
"Next time I see you, I'm going to bite you."
"I must go."

"Yes. The Stradivarian. He sold it, then felt so guilty he didn't let the sale finalize with the auction house. Made them cancel the order. He was practicing in private, shaking off some of the rust. Said he wanted to surprise you with a sonata, Darrow."
how are you making me feel bad for tactus

The Howlers emerge from the sea beyond the castle. Water drips from them as they fly silently over the hundred-meter-high walls, armor glistening like black beetle shells. A golden lion has been painted on each breastplate. The gold winks as lightning flashes. They land silently around us.

"It chafes my balls. This Pie talk chafes my balls!"

'Home isn't where you're from, it's where you find light when all grows dark.'

"Everyone's honest till they're caught in a lie."

"I'm a Gold, bitch. What did you expect? Warm milk and cookies just because I'm pocket-sized?"