How to Catch a Duke

I don't really know what to say about this book, except that I loved everything about it.. I don't know how I havent read the other books in the series yet but Im definitely going to be reading them very soon.. I love Abigail and Stephen. They were so perfect for each other. Abigail is an investigator, she notices things most other people dont, is stubborn, and knows what she likes and what she doesn't. Stephen is a lord and in line to be the next Duke. He is so smart its crazy. He makes makes and invents things. the only thing most people see about him is his leg. He has to use a cane, one occasion 2 in order for him to get around due to an injury he got as a child. But he is so much more than that.. He does whatever is in his power to do in order to help his friends or family, and does his best not to let his injury get in the way. When Abigail decides to ask Stephen for his help he is instantly smitten with her, and as she starts to learn about what a great guy she starts falling for him too.. I liked how they both had pasts and really had no problem talking about that with each other, and they had really great chemistry. I thoroughly enjoyed this story and can't wait to read the rest of the series.

Hmm, I don't know how to write this review. It's not bad. I just feel meh about How to Catch a Duke. I expect it to be better but it was too fast then too slow. It was not even pace. I could not connect to the characters. I felt disconnected, and then I did not feel the chemistry for each other. I feel that there is something missing. Don't know what but something. It's a nice romance story but it lacks chemistry. You cannot force chemistry when there is none. I have read enough to say.