Throne of Secrets

Gaaaah — this is not the last book!!! This isn’t a trilogy! And there is no publishing date on the next installment 🤬 Fine, whatever. I can totally move on. I don’t need to know how this ends. No, really. I think 😶 Anyway, let’s talk ratings, shall we? I really enjoyed where the story went in this book, and that’s mostly what the stars are for. Because frankly, I have major issues, with: • the complete lack of world building: I had this complaint in the last book as well, but here it’s even worse. She is visiting other fae realms and there is no detail except for a few notes on physical appearance and dress. THAT’S IT. What?? • the rushed/half-assed characterization: this just gets added to the lack of world-building. You have got to be kidding me, making ancient fae creatures speak like the average dude. These people use ancient weapons, dress elaborately and do their hair in braid and all kinds of stuff that would make Daenerys green with envy, and pepper their sentences with Old Gaelic. Do you really think they would say things like “hang out” and “kick ass”?!? Come on now. • the books are too character-driven. Normally I don’t mind that, however it is usually backed up by decent world-building, and focused on more than one or two characters. There are some great people in the MCs squad, but they are only paid attention to in the measure in which SHE pays attention to them. It’s a waster of characters IMO. These are not minor complaints and they’d normally warrant a lower rating; it says a lot about how much I enjoyed the progression of the story, that this book still made it to 3 stars!