Graeme Smith
Consider a Book
It Could Be Easy!

Consider a Book It Could Be Easy!

Graeme Smith2020 and book publishers operate entirely does NOT stock books.Book publishers stocks electronic files which can become books.They only become books AFTER someone buys a copy.So they also pay for the printing NOT the other hand book publishers BUY copyright for a book.Then they publish as many copies as they THINK they can sell.A publisher makes money.IF the amount received for sales.Is greater than the amount paid for publishing AND copyright.BUT it is not easy to do.An author makes money by selling copyright to a publisher.Thus there is NO relationship between sales and author payment.The amount offered for copyright reflects a publisher's anticipated sales.Thus established authors receive more than those just starting out.An author makes money in a very different manner.They receive a proportion of actual sales of their book.Thus NO sales = NO money!BUT the book can remain available.Published books are usually sold in a variety of outlets.The publisher needs to sell many just to cover costs.Methods used with other publishers do NOT work with publisher publishes AND sells books.They are actual books made of paper.Publishers earn money by selling books.But once printed a book cannot be changed.Thus any editing is done BEFORE publication.Although a new edition can be printed and sometimes is.Many authors try different publishers with their manuscript.They are looking for one who thinks they can sell the book.All authors hope they've written a best-seller.So how is book publishing different?The major difference is they are all ELECTRONIC.So has a huge store of electronic books.But does publish physical books too.But they are printed versions of eBooks.Methods used by other publishers are NOT used by are advantages for authors as a result.That's if you know of and use the opportunities provided.Do you use Apple or Word?I've never used Apple but I presume it works the same way as Word.If so then this book can help you.Start writing your book in Microsoft Word.Modify this file as often as needed.If corrections are needed make them in the Microsoft Word file.Soon you will be satisfied with what you have.The final version is copied to a Kindle Create file.You will need to download Kindle Create first.This is the file you upload to books are all in English.Your manuscript and book can be in any language supports.They will translate from your language is quite different from ALL other publishers.This is because of the way started.Initially only ebooks were published.They are electronic books with NO actual printed material.Book publishing came much later.Then the eBook system was adapted for books.As a result has become the biggest publisher in world.Amazon has different pathways for different kinds of books.There is a FREE creative tool available.They are for children's books, educational books, comics or manga (?).I have NOT used these pathways.My books were mostly published before they became available.It seems as if Amazon automatically decides your path.Thus you are allocated the one best suited to a novel or text.In my case I think there has been a problem for Amazon.My Easy-scan style of writing has not been anticipated.This has meant a great deal of re-writing.BUT that's for ME.Unless you write the same way you will NOT have this provides a non-exclusive agreement.You keep creative control and own copyright.
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