The House at Phantom Park

All I can say is… bizarre! This book started out extremely eerie and is actually the first book I’ve ever read where I had to stop reading at night because it creeped me out that much… which I LOVE. I never get creeped out by books, so I had very high hopes. But it quickly went from a haunted, creepy, dark book, to extremely gory and graphic with disturbing, highly descriptive scenes of bodies blowing apart. Though I really did like the unique lore behind it all! Though very disgusting and pretty repetitive, it held my attention and had me turning the pages to find out what happened next. The language style in it felt a little odd, and maybe a bit formal. But maybe that's just because of where the setting was and how they speak there. The characters were flat with nearly no backstory, so I was never able to connect or feel much for any of them. And as with other reviewers, I agree the story was all over the place and could’ve definitely used quite a few more edits to fix that and the dialogue. Although a lot of aspects fell flat, and it might’ve been a bit much at times in terms of gross factor, it excelled in creepiness and besides a couple of trigger warnings, I very much recommend horror lovers to check this one out. Thank you for this ARC that was generously provided by the publisher and author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.