Great And Precious Things

4.5 ⭐️

4.5 ⭐️

Thoroughly enjoyed it and loved the twist at the end

Rebecca, If by some chance you see this, you are my favorite author. Something about the way you wrote speaks to my very soul. Great and Precious Things is a wonderful story that has you in your feels the entire time. The characters and the atmosphere have you immersed in the story like you’re there watching it play out. 10/10 100% recommend. Tristen

If you've read anything by Rebecca Yarros you know she creates characters you love and makes sure she knows what she's talking about. Everything in her books always feels realistic and that always makes me love her stories just a little bit more! Great and Precious Things was no exception to what I just described. One of my favorite things about this book is that it takes place in a small town. They're the best, but they can also be really bad. Things are never forgotten in these towns and people have a hard time letting things go. On the other hand, people care for each other and just want to see their town stay succesful! Even if it can be just as bad as a soap opera. Also, Rebecca Yarros creates characters you just have to love. Camden left this small town ten years ago and hasn't looked back. If it weren't for his father sending him a message, who knows if he would've head home at all. I don't want to give too many details, because this is a story you need to experience on your own. Camden has always been seen as the black sheep and everything that happens is his fault. So much so, that he's actually starting to believe people are right about him. Tragic events caused this thinking even more so. Camden is a character that you just want to hug and tell him it will all be okay. It was amazing to see him start to realize he wasn't all bad and that he deserves love! Willow lost what everyone thought was the love of her life, but that may not have been the case. Her Dad is a big part of this small town and doesn't always agree with her decisions or other things that have happened in her family. I loved Willow, because she has such a strong will and won't give up her dreams because her family didn't approve. She's not afraid to fight for what she believes in and won't back down for anyone. She loves unconditionally and it shows. Camden and Willow have a past and I love how that this plays a part in this story. Their love for each other is clear. It gradually develops and that fit this perfectly. Even when letting each other go would probably make things easier, they keep on fighting. They take on all obstacles together. Another aspect of this story I loved was that it wasn't just the romance between Camden and Willow. Family, grief, forgiveness, free will and new beginnings also play a big part in Great and Precious Things. On top of that there are some major twists I did not see coming. Rebecca Yarros still knows how to surprise me. This wasn't an ugly cry book, but I felt so with these characters that I won't forget them anytime soon!

** spoiler alert ** CAN I GIVE THIS MORE THAN FIVE STARS?!? I don't say this lightly or often. I break up my favorite books based on genre/category. When it comes to Romance/Contemporary, this is the best book I've read. I have never been so captivated starting a story by the first page. I think I found one of my new favorite authors. She was an almost poetic writing style and it is amazing. A couple of things/people/backstories I would have liked to have seen added, but that really isn't enough to complain. I'm going to start off by saying that I have read books with some very immature characters. Books in this same troupe (bad boy, second chance,) and just contemporary in general seems to have a lot of this. I don't hate it as much in younger books, but the people who act that way in their 20s drive me mad. Cam and Willow were the most mature, reasonable, and realistic characters and couple I have ever seen. There were so many scenes that I saw coming and got really nervous because they are always the same and I couldn't take it. But all of them were handled brilliantly. The kitchen scene. Afterwards he felt guilty, and they were arguing, but they handled it well. I loved that Cam from the beginning said 'when this becomes more' From the beginning he was sure of that. At the hot springs, I loved how she didn't avoid the topic. I really liked how the issue with Sully was taken care of. If seen that done before, but that really worked well with the plot. Thea and her family were amazing; I really hated her dad for a while, but I was so happy when he turned around' His dad I wasn't too keen on at the beginning. For shooting his son, and more for saying that it should of been him at Sully's funeral. That is horrible. But I understood were he came from, and his need to make his own decisions about his life.; Xander was okay to me at the beginning, but went downhill fast. I hated him by the end alongside Cam and Willow. So many bombs were dropped so quickly at the end. I can not believe he did that to Willow.; The romance was for sure slow burn but it was not frustrating. They were such a good couple and they balanced each other. Willow knew what she wanted in life and she worked for it. She was responsible. I loved when Cam so casually talked about their future, and getting a kid-friendly dog, and their wedding and children. He is amazing. I NEED a bonus chapter with their wedding and in the future with their kids. That would be perfect. I could honestly read another full book about them in the future if Rebecca decides to write anymore about them in the future. Usually books this high up on my rating make me cry, but surprisingly I didn't. I think I just jumped back between angry and laughing or swooning the entire time. My eyes watered a few times. It was an emotional roller coaster. So happy this was on my Goodreads recommended page. And so glad my app wasn't working so I couldn't see that description and I got to go into a story completely blind for once. Update— One month later and I just reread it. Yep, still love it. Cam is the sweetest thing ever. And I love how Willow stands up for herself from the beginning. Best contemporary read this year!