Reserves in the Future Force 2020

Reserves in the Future Force 2020 Valuable and Valued

This White Paper sets out the future relationships Defence seeks with reservists and their families, their employers and society. Under the Future Reserves 2020 programme the Government has committed an additional £1.8 billion over ten year. The route from selection, is being simplified, making it easier for reservists to get to the level of training required. There will be improved alignment of pay and benefits with regulars. Reservists' total remuneration will be increased through the provision of a paid annual leave entitlement. From April 2015, when the new Armed Forces pension scheme is introduced, reservists will accrue pension entitlements for time spent on training as well as when mobilised. Welfare support will also be delivered to regulars and reservists alike, and their families, according to the impact of military service and their need. Recruitment of Army Reserve officers and those leaving the Regular Army will be encouraged to join the Reserves through bonuses of up to £5,000. A National Relationship Management scheme will be established to strengthen relationships with employer organisations and the largest employers from both the public and private sector and there will be provision of extra financial support to small and medium sized employers. New legislation will be introduced to enable mobilisation for the full range of tasks which our Armed Forces may be asked to undertake. The Territorial Army will also be renamed the 'Army Reserve' to reflect the significant changes in its role and its integration into the Whole Force.
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