Trade and investment for growth

Trade and investment for growth

This White Paper sets out the Government's strategy to meet the challenge of growing trade and investment. It puts forward an ambitious framework to do that based on the results of a government consultation conducted with business, academics and NGOs. It further explains how Ministers and officials across government should aim to create the best possible environment in the UK for trade and inward investment, and to deliver the practical support businesses need to trade and invest. It urges business people across the country to seize the opportunities presented by trade and international investment to innovate and build their businesses. It also sets out the ambition to work more intensively with the European Union and through bilateral relationships with countries around the world to shape an international environment that supports openess. The publication is divided into four chapters that cover the following topics: the case for open markets; opportunities for trade and investment growth; the UK's strategy for trade and investment growth; the trade and investment challenges.
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