
The art & the coloring were STUNNING. I really loved this issue's palette! I hope Otto Schmidt will stay in charge of the art for the remainder of the arc. Also, I adore Dinah & enjoy her dynamics with pretty much anyone, so I guess that helped a lot. Plotwise, this issue was action-packed & fast-paced. Maybe a little too fast-paced if you ask me, especially where Ollie & Dinah's relationship is concerned, but that's just me nit-picking. I'm excited for what's to come in issue #2!

I'm still trying to get a hold on this Oliver Queen opposed to the tv show but it was really fun. The ending was awesome and the art is an absolute masterpiece


Not a fan of this volume, I felt the first was significantly better. The plot didn't intrigue me. Wasn't a fan of the art style towards the end. I hope the next issues step it up since this one fell short. Three different arcs that felt disjointed.. (Emi's arc was my favorite of the three) Overall, meh. twitter thread

It's terrible!