
Yeah. Nope. Not even worth a try. The only good thing here is the artwork and the Clown being sneaky and acting like he's a good guy or something and no one really getting it. That's hilarious. And sad. Because you would think Spawn has SOME brains to think. But oh well, if I was a character who would go the same fucking boring shit again and again in the same series I'd kill myself. I guess that's why Simmons did just that. Oh well, nothing to see here, just character after character that we saw a bunch of 1000000 issues of Spawn before being back like with the most cliche way ever --imagine splash page--imagine cool pose-- imagine screaming his/her name in bold colourful text-- what the hell throw a "I'M BACK" too in it. These 2 Endgame volumes are so frustrating, so full of useless dialogue that has nothing to do with the main story, just filling up pages for no fucking reason. Why McFarlane started writing again is beyond me. He can't write to save his life. Boring. Boring. Boring. They even brought back the pages where it's just the news saying a bunch of random shit we already know in like fucking essay-like text. FULL. PAGES. They brought that shit back from Issue #1 to issue #196 years after, and thought that shit was COOL. McFarlane came back from the 90s and he brought with him every single cliche shit that was there then. Never read this. I will always just recommend the first 10 maybe 20 issues of Spawn and then Armageddon just to see what happens, and then just read after Armageddon until issue 180 or something. The rest is GARBAGE, as this volume was.