Gary Cooper Movie Poster Book

Gary Cooper Movie Poster Book The Ultimate Collection

Greg Lenburg2016
Throughout his career, three-time Academy Award winning actor Gary Cooper represented the ideal American hero. Whether he was portraying a champion of the common man in such films as Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936), Meet John Doe (1941), Sergeant York (1941), The Pride of Yankees (1942), For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943), he was a symbol of honesty, courage, and goodness. The Gary Cooper Movie Poster Book: The Ultimate Collection spans Cooper's 35-year movie career, from 1925 to 1961, including leading roles in 84 feature films. Included in our vintage collection are posters and poster art from 87 of Cooper's films, beginning with the romantic drama, Children of Divorce (1927) and ending with his last film, a 1961 thriller, The Naked Edge with Deborah Kerr. Cooper's legacy, more than a half a century after his death, is the onscreen image he left behind in his classic films.. As actor Charlton Heston put it: "He projected the kind of man Americans would like to be, probably more than any actor that's ever lived."
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