Hidden Dangers of the Internet

Hidden Dangers of the Internet Using it Without Abusing it

Use the Internet. Know its dangers. Internet use is catching on faster than any form of technology ever invented. Its potential for human benefit is beyond measure. But it is not without problems: • Marriages break up over emotional relationships forged in chat rooms. • College students risk grades and health to spend time online. • Child abusers lure kids by contact through the internet. • Adults spend fortunes to subscribe to internet pornography. These people have crossed the boundary between healthy use and obsessive preoccupation with this versatile electronic medium. An avid net-surfer himself, therapist Gregory Jantz has seen an increasing number of clients coming to his counseling centers for help with internet abuse. Jantz writes for two audiences: those who are worried about a loved one's use of the net, and internet users who may have a problem. He offers both groups concrete and biblical steps for working towards change.
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