Guards! Guards!

for some reason this took me forever to read but trust i had a good time the entire way through

Guards! Guards! is the 8th Discworld series and the first in the City-Watch set. It introduces Vimes, Carrot, et al as recurring characters. In fact, all of the Discworld novels I've selected for this challenge are from the City-Watch set. Carrot has endeared himself to me, putting himself on my short list of favorite Discworld characters (others include Rincewind, Death and Ook). Carrot is the antidote to the Garions of the fantasy genre. Carrot may start off naive and may be pushed towards his destiny but he manages to make his own life, something most characters in his position never manage (or even attempt). The book didn't earn a perfect rating from because it suffers from many of things that annoy me about the Discworld books: lack of chapters, plot suffering for the sake of pun building, and lack of segues.

Taking this book as the entryway to the Disc World was the right choice. I enjoyed the relatable everyday characters in the abstruse fantasy world. I am already looking forward for the next disc world novel.

Even better than I remembered. Feudal-fantasy satire in the voice of pubs of C20th England, with dragons, wizards and pre-Peel police wheedling, appealing to genetics, sod’s law. An incongruous, dogged self-awareness. The prose is quieter (less self-referential and wilfully surreal) than his peers – Adams, Holt, Rankin – and occasionally gets actually wise. Discworld is his noble funhouse mirror of Britain. Pratchett is very good at technology fads, social class, the duality of human nature, and the excruciating embarrassment of romance. Everything a growing boy needs. (Read aloud)

🖤 Welcome to the Discworld where it's kind of like our world but not really. Guys, i'm really glad i got into this series. Starting can...is definitely daunting. I mean it's got like more than 20 books so daunting might not be the right world to explain the confusion you'd probably have to go through to decide where to start. I have it on good authority that Equal Rites , Guards! Guards! and Mort are pretty good starting points for the series. As you can see, i'm off to a great start. 🖤 🖤 In the city of Ankh Morpork, some people are fed up with the status quo and have graciously thank you very much, decided to right these wrongs. As Captain Vimes who has reluctantly very reluctantly dug himself out of his alcoholic daze asks "What wrongs?", the grievances are aplenty. ✔Paying taxes for one, ✔leaking gutters and ✔premature baldness. What ensues, is a bumbling hilarious investigation led by Captain Vimes and his brave although terribly misguided men. "Responsibility was a terrible thing" - Sergent Colon 🖤 🖤 🖤 Pratchett does humour in a way most authors' can't—tongue in cheek, never over the top or forced. His work remains unbelievably relevant & i'm pretty sure, The Discword Novels will remain unsullied by time and continue to age like fine wine. Most of the stars people 🙂 4.5 stars

In Guards! Guards!, Terry Pratchett introduces readers to such fan favorite characters as Captain Vimes of the Night Watch, and his latest recruit, the hilarious Carrot Ironfoundersson, the adopted human son of a dwarf family who comes to Ankh-Morpork to learn to be a man. The Night Watch is a pitiful little enterprise, with only four not-exactly-civic-minded watchmen including Vimes, who spends most of his duty hours drunk, pining over a lost love. Carrot's unwelcome arrival coincides with a power play by the Supreme Grand Master of the Elucidated Brethren of the Ebon Night. The SGM intends to summon up a dragon to terrorize the city. But as anyone who's read H. P. Lovecraft can tell you, you gotta be careful about summoning powerful beasties from other planes... Guards! Guards! is a wonderful satire of familiar fantasy tropes and is the story that helped me fall in love with Discworld and Annk-Morpork in the first place. Indeed, Ankh-Morpork really comes to vivid life in this novel. We really get a sense of place in this absurdist dual-city like never before, and the way Pratchett lovingly realizes not only its colorful and ridiculous characters but its neighborhoods, customs, criminal underworld, overcrowded secret societies, what have you. It is a rich and textured setting. No wonder Pratchett was so prolific! As silly as this book can be, Pratchett always manages to find a way to criticize the follies of humanity. He was a particularly insightful author possessing a keen insight into human behavior. Little nuggets of wisdom can be found throughout his novels. Guards! Guards! is no different. This is a wonderful book by a comic master. It's a must read.

They may be called the Palace Guard, the City Guard, or the Patrol. Whatever the name, their purpose in any work of heroic fantasy is identical: it is, round about Chapter Three (or ten minutes into the film) to rush into the room, attack the hero one at a time, and be slaughtered. No one ever asks them if they want to. This book is dedicated to those fine men. As someone who is always on the look out for books in the style of The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy (my search history is just: "fun adventure books reddit" "what's the most fun book you've read reddit" "witty fantasy books reddit"), Terry Pratchett has been the name to crop up most often. This is my first acquaintance with Pratchett's famed Discworld series, and it definitely lived up to my expectations. True to reddit's recommendations, Guards! Guards! (and Pratchett's writing in general) is definitely fun. It is, also, in several ways reminiscent of THGTG: it has a similar brand of whimsical comedy and witty one-liners delivered in a deadpan tone, with a reluctant hero who nevertheless steps up when the situation calls for it. (Very reluctantly, but still.) Sgt Colon said we have Gone Up in the World and has told Nobby not to try to sell the furnishings. Going Up in the World is a metaphor, which I am learning about, it is like Lying but more decorative. Guards! Guards! is made up of multiple enjoyable elements: there's Pratchett's particular style of writing; interesting characters like Vimes, Carrot, Lady Ramkins and the Librarian, each of them with colourful personalities; the city of Ankh-Morpork, home to its fascinating people; dragons, many small and one Very Big, who, in my eyes, is the star of this story. For all it's worth, I was expecting this to be at least a 4-stars read. The reason for my rating is that, for whatever reason, I just couldn't get invested in the story. As separate components, the writing style, characters and plot elements are all really fun — together, the plot simply felt a bit dull. I'm blaming it on a reading slump and plan to make another attempt with a second Discworld installment some other day. Nevertheless, definitely a book I'd recommend to others!

As an example of British humor combined with occasional notes of critique about the human way, this book is a 5 star read. As a story itself, I found it quite enjoyable and will happily read on further into the series. This was my first book in the Discworld series, which is quite expansive, and I didn't feel at all lost, which had been one of my concerns. I can't say I connected particularly with any of the characters at this stage, though they do seem a lovable bunch of idiots. I look forward to the implied rise of Carrot to the throne in the future. There were some very insightful, reflective bits in it, but it was mostly fairly predictable plot and goofy characters. It was very cute.

Com certeza não é o melhor livro do mundo, mas merece todas as 🌟 só por ser uma das histórias mais simples, envolventes, bem humoradas e bem escritas que já li. Personagens incríveis, humanos, mas sem deixar de lado aquele gostinho de fantasia. Os personagens masculinos como Colon, Cenoura, Vimes e Nobby deveriam aparecer mais vezes nas histórias de fantasia.. dessas cheias de clichê nada saudável por aí a fora, sabe? Ia fazer um bem danado pro nicho. A Sybil é perfeita. Não dá nem pra descrever. Sybil e o Vimes!!!! SYBIL E VIIIIMES! Que casal mais lindo!!! Pra quem não é chegado a romance, é uma ótima forma de começar. Não é um livro romântico, mas se vale de que uma boa história sempre precisa de uma dose de amor e romantismo. A seu modo, Terry pratchett era um cara romântico, dá pra notar. E esse livro é maravilhoso.

Reading Challenge: PopSugar - A Book With No Chapters, Unusual Chapter Headings, or Unconventionally Numbered Chapters


This was my gateway drug into Discworld, now I am hooked. As a huge fan of all things fantasy in all forms of media, especially games and movies, this book hit all the right notes for me. From a gamer's perspective, this book reminded me of the Baldur's Gate series of games, the world is low-fantasy where the setting is relatable, but with fantasy elements that are recognisable by all, which in turn makes this book very accessible for all types of readers.

Loved the world, loved the sardonic humour. I think I will definitely be reading/ listening to more of Discworld in the future.

Had anyone asked me one year ago whether Terry Pratchett was an author I'd like to check out, my response would have been: nah. Right now, I have no clue why past me had an aversion towards his works (but let's be honest, the covers could have had something to do with it, since they looked appalling), because present me is HOOKED! I didn't know this book had been that one thing missing in my life until I'd finally finished it. Reading it felt like going home to...well, to everything. Guards! Guards! had it all- the characters, the action, the humor, the world and, of course, the dragons, and my little heart couldn't have been more chipper. I'm still overwhelmed by the fact how many Discworld books there actually are, how much reading lies ahead of me and how much of a genius Pratchett actually was. If only I could read every novel of his at the same time, I'd die a happy fella. The urge to throw myself in his fantastic world is too strong! *probably my face throughout the entirety of reading the book*

"Never build a dungeon that you wouldn't be happy to spend a night in yourself...The world would be a happier place if more people remembered that." (p. 325) This is my first solo Terry Pratchett book, after falling in love with Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch. I have to say, after reading this, I must have fallen in love with the bits Terry Pratchett wrote much more than Neil Gaiman. Anyways, this is a great novel. It started out by making me laugh out loud in the break room, and kept up the wonderful humor along the way. I will say that my hopes were slightly dashed that Carrot didn't fully fulfill the role played out to be, but foreshadowing is keeping me hopeful. As much as I loved this book, and will likely not stop talking about Terry Pratchett for a while (I've already bought 5 more books in the series) it was not perfect. The ending was a tad drawn out, especially after the dragon was out of the picture. There are some issues with how he contorts sentences sometimes, it can be humorous at times, but at others it can be tiresome and you just want him to spit it out onto the paper.

Okay book, not the best but not the worst. -------- PRE - READ REVIEW - I've heard good things and have high hopes. Now let's continue reading the Discworld books in a totally random order, that makes no sense even to me.

could not finish

(I continue my effort to catch up with the Terry Pratchett craze) Guards, Guards is a charming bit of comic fantasy. The plot concerns summoning a dragon and what happens next, seen through the eyes of a bunch of characters. The world is Pratchett's medieval fantasy one, a decrepit city with slashes of modernity. The characters are fun, esp. the librarian orangutang and the devout guard Carrot. What makes it work is Pratchett's style: droll, thoughtful, sometimes drawn out to set up comic scenes. To be honest, I had to be in the right mood for this. Most of the time these days my reading is either professional (futures, tech, sociology, demographics, econ, etc), literary, or horror-themed. So it took me a while to string together episodes when I turned to a more whimsical mode. It was worth it.