Guilty as Sin

The need to know more would not let me put the book down, I was hooked. The past and present duel POV is flawless. The angst off the charts. It shouldn’t surprise me that the story keeps getting better and better but seriously it just gets better!!! There were times when I just wanted to reach inside the pages and slap and scream at some of the family members on both sides. Can we just all stay out of it I NEED Lincoln and Whitney’s HEA!!! The queen of cliffhangers does not disappoint with this one. I’ll be over here impatiently waiting for the conclusion of this trilogy. Seriously how is Meghan going to top Guilty as Sin!! I have my theories but I guess I will have to wait and see.

A Solid installment with the typical cliffhanger that this author implements. Enjoyed it! Full review in Book three of the trilogy.

Meghan March is known for her spicy and jaw dropping stories and once again, she has proven why she is number one on USA Today, New York Times and Wall Street best-selling author list. She keeps me engaged from the moment I open one of her books until I reach the end. She knows exactly how to reel in her fans. Guilty As Sin was no different. From the moment, I finished reading Rich As Sin I waited with bated breath for the day the arc of Guilty As Sin would land on my kindle. It was worth every waiting moment. I read it in one sitting that is how eager I was to discover how the events would unfold. The story picked up from where Rich as Sin left off. The questions raised at the end of the first book were answered, however more shocking secrets, which had the propensity to destroy lives, came to light. Who would have thought this was the angle the author would choose pursue? I for one did not see this coming. As usual, there were characters whom I love and those who I wish by some miracle would disappear. It is said that karma is a bitch, well Whitney’s cousin, whose name is Karma epitomized the saying. She certainly lived up to her name. I loved Lincoln and Whitney together. They deserved to be happy. Their stubbornness and immaturity kept them apart ten years ago. Lincoln’s inability to trust led to him making grave mistakes with Whitney, but he has learnt and is now trying to make amends for the past. Whitney is always running from her problems. She fails to see that no matter how far she runs she can never outrun her problems and just when I think she figures it out; she disappoints me by looking to run off when circumstances, family and secrets threaten her and Lincoln’s relationship. Thank goodness for Lincoln’s determination in keeping her close to him. However, their journey towards happiness will face derailment by yet another shocking event. These two can never seem to get a break. There are questions that need to be answered and until these are resolved I don’t think Whitney and Lincoln will get their happily ever after. I knew the end would be a shocker, but I have to confess this one took me by surprise. Now I am left wondering the impact this will have on Whitney and Lincoln’s relationship. Conclusion/Recommendation Another delightful, exciting and riveting read, which has left me wanting more. I am eagerly awaiting the moment Reveling in Sin, the conclusion to the Sinful trilogy, will land on my kindle.