Gwendy's Magic Feather

Really 2.5 stars rounded up to 3. This story was messy, disjointed, and rather shallow. But it was nice going back to Castle Rock and seeing what Gwendy was up to as an adult. (Everything, as it turns out.) A nice diversion, but nothing special.

I highly recommend this book to all of King's constant readers. I loved this book, I felt like Richard Chizmar did a wonderful and thoughtful job writing this novel on his own but keeping the tone and voice from the other Gwendy books written with King and working to connect this book believably to the world of King with nods to other narratives through characters places and memorable things. Other Books in this series: Gwendy's Button Box Gwendy's Final Task

This is the continuation of Gwendy story which is a great fit for anyone who loved "Gwendy's Button Box". The creative writing and characters are the same if you enjoyed reading the prequel but now we are in the shoes of a much older, mature Gwendy who is dealing with reinheritance (so to speak) of the button box, dealing with heavy themes and the attempt to help find a mass murderer in her hometown while fighting the button box temptation. It was a light and easy read, and in no way shape or form felt like over 300+ pages. Great read and let's be honest, my fingers are crossed hoping we see more of Gwendy and her adventures in the future.