It All Begins with Self

It All Begins with Self How to Become a More Effective and Happier You

Becoming more self-aware and seeking self-improvement are growing movements in modern society. To achieve these goals, people must fully understand all aspects of their intellectual and emotional selves and how they view, are viewed by, and interact with others. These lessons are valuable in both people's personal and professional lives. There may be no one better equipped to explain them than someone who taught a course on psychological factors in management for more than nineteen years. Through a series of proven models to guide individuals to a better understanding of self, Professor Hal Hendrick shows the way toward leading an interpersonally effective and happier way of life. “Most of us may at least intuitively grasp the importance of strengthening our sense of self in socially acceptable ways. But in It All Begins With Self, Hendrick draws upon empirically based models (including his own mistakes in life) to offer unique insights on how to put that understanding into action. Until you've read the book you won't really be able to see the vastness of the gulf that separates the maverick with a goal from the bull in the china shop.” Alex Raksin, former book review editor for the Los Angeles Times and winner of the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Writing
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