
romance was weird like guys you barely know each other stop being so dramatic

This book had me on my toes! I was so intrigued by this synopsis that I couldn't wait to read this. Nothing like secret elite societies and a missing college girl to get your mind working and your heart pumping. I didn't know what or who to believe. I was sucked into this book and thought it was a real page turner. Amelia Bastón was completely different than I thought she was going to be. Usually I don't like when the heroine is rich, they always seem to be snobby, bitchy and spoiled. But Amelia isn't like that. She wants more than what her parents name will hand her. She’s smart, independent and itching to find the truth. Logan Fitzgerald is mysterious and definitely leaves you wanting more. I knew I was going to love him from the second he was introduced. There's a hard edge about him, but underneath that you can tell there is a softer to him. This was such a great, fresh and new read for me. It is not like the same books I am constantly reading. I can't wait to read more by Claire Contreras. I really enjoy her writing style and storytelling abilities. The characters and story were well thought out and kept me guessing the entire time. I had no clue what was going to happen or who to believe. Overall, I loved this book. I thought it was a great story, the main characters had great chemistry and I was truly on my toes the entire time! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I received a copy of Need You Now, a collection from Top Shelf Romance in exchange for an honest review. This book was included in that collection.

i only wish Amelia had a bit more flavour, her character was pretty bland/"not like other girls"....also also, we needed a scene of her giving Logan a cute spanish petname or something along those lines

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. From the plot twist, to the character development, to the secret worlds Claire has built. I was sad to see it end. Logan and Mae have such great chemistry from the start. Even though Amelia is resistant to the idea of it at first you know she’s just making Logan work for it, which in return made me love her character as well. Mae has a mind of her own and she follows her gut through out the story. Where there’s smoke there’s a fire and she’s not gonna give up until she finds it. When all was revealed, I wasn’t surprised about everything but there was ONE THING I didn’t see coming. Any time an author can get one over on me I can’t help but love their work even more. This story was original and the love between these two characters isn’t rushed, they grow together and I enjoyed that aspect of their journey as well. By the end of the book I felt like I truly knew these characters. I knew how they would think and how they would continue to love, that their love would heal the broken bits of each of their souls. The happily ever after that Logan and Amelia have wasn’t conceived in a conventional way, there was so much that she didn’t know and had to face, but Logan didn’t let her do it alone. The last 30 minutes is like a grenade thrown into your emotions. You feel them all at once and then they all scatter. But Claire doesn’t leave you bleeding on the floor. She restores your faith and then pulls your intrigue right into the next secret society waiting to be uncovered.

Jag älskade detta med hemliga sällskap på campus. Känns som en lättare version av vad jag tänker mig att Ninth House ska vara. Det enda jag har att säga om den som jag inte tyckte om var det som brukar vara i YA, douchbagen som enbart är snäll emot huvudkaraktären. Lite tröttsamt blir det ju faktiskt att det ska ses som något attraktivt. Jag vill liksom se att huvudkaraktären inte tar att han är taskig emot någon pga det är inte okej. Men, over all var den bra.

WOW this was such a trip!! Suspenseful and kept me on the edge of my seat. I can't wait for more!!