Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata. Pars II Roma Aeterna
The second of two volumes in the series Lingua Latina per se illustrata, Roma Aeterna introduces the most celebrated authors of antiquity through the lens of Roman history. A vivid description of the city's monuments precedes a prose retelling of the first four books of Virgil's Aeneid, with many of the most famous passages in their original verse form. The selection from Virgil is followed by Book One of Livy's engaging mythical history of Rome's foundation. The prose selections are judiciously chosen and, in the first few chapters, gently adapted to provide students with attest that is authentically Latin and yet not difficult. The unadapted selections which make up the majority of the text are taken from Aulus Gellius, Ovid, Nepos, Sallust, and Horace. These annotated selections make Roma Aeterna useful both as the next step after Familia Romana and as a survey of Latin literature in its own right.