The Future Will Be...

The Future Will Be...

The radical, internationally renowned curator and cultural instigator Hans Ulrich Obrist never looks back. For this book project he compiled a list of quotes on what the "future will be" by some of the creative figures of his acquaintance. Lawrence Weiner replied, "The future is what we construct from what we remember of the past--the present is the time of instantaneous revelation." Olafur Eliasson answered, "The future will be curved." Tino Sehgal: "The future will be so subjective." Trisha Donnelly: "Future?... You must be mistaken." Martha Rosler: "The future always flies in under the radar." Zaha Hadid: "The fuiture is not." And many others weighed in. The design of this book was composed by M/M, Paris. The edition is limited to 600 copies, each of which is numbered, signed by Obrist, stamped by M/M and includes your own sticker.
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