Happily Ever Ninja Knitting in the City 5

One of my absolute favorites. Penny Reid is one talented writer. I love how realistic her exposition is of the challenges Fiona is experiencing, as a woman who has to juggle between her two young children, a husband whose job requires him to constantly be away from his family, and her own sanity. Each of Fiona's inner thoughts, all the dialogues and every argument she has with Greg are just so relatable. This is a romance book that shows that romance is not only about those swoony sensations and happily ever after. In fact, as Greg would charmingly tell you, it's a load of bollocks. Yes, Fiona and Greg love each other, are madly in love with each other, and gosh... reading Greg's PoV about his adoration for Fiona definitely got hundreds of butterflies flying rampant in my stomach. But love and adoration alone are not sufficient for having a healthy and thriving relationship. As such, a well functioning relationship requires a lot of commitments, hard work, and if you're dilligent enough to achieve it, it doesn't mean you're done. You're never done because it's always a work-in-progress.

I enjoyed it so much more than I thought I would. It was so great to see into the relationship between Fionna and Greg, who we had only seen from the outside throught the others eyes, and not fully. I appreiated so much, the struggles of being married and having kids and all of that in the book. And damn Fionna is a badass and the whole thing was just so cool with spionage and all. I really cannot recommend this whole series enough!!!

Find this review and more at kimberlyfaye reads. Happily Ever Ninja is a tough book for me to review. I loved it in the way that I love all of Penny's books, no matter how different the feel of each of them, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I had a little tougher time connecting with the themes in this book. I'm not married. I never have been. It was hard, at times, for me to fully understand and especially relate to Fiona's struggle in this book. I got it on a base level, of course, and I felt the feels because we ARE talking about Penny's writing here, but the deeper connection was missing. Ok, now that I've gotten that out of the way I can talk about the things I did love about this book. Starting, naturally, with the characters. I was on the Fiona and Greg train from their first meeting during Ninja at First Sight. (Even if he had a girlfriend.) That didn't change during this book, even if I was left questioning certain actions at times. I still adored both characters. Fiona is a sight to behold. She's an incredible, strong woman. I applaud and envy her. She's not perfect and she doesn't always have it totally together, but she gives it her all. Greg was a tough customer, but I still liked him... even though I did give him the side eye during certain situations. I also liked the more adventurous aspect of the book, as completely unexpected as it was. I was all but biting my nails as Ninja Fiona (and crew) tackled what I found to be a pretty big twist. Her actions definitely secured Fiona's super hero status for me! I'm not going to say more than that, however, because I don't want to ruin the story for anyone who might not have read it yet. (Which, if that's you, you should really get on. It is a great book.) Happily Ever Ninja was a wonderful addition to the Knitting in the City series. It was great to see my favorites again in this story as they were all doing what they do best. And, of course, I loved finally getting Fiona and Greg's full story. Don't let my lack of a deeper connection to the characters keep you from trying this one. (And don't mistake it for me NOT enjoying the book. I did.) I suspect a lot of woman who are married or in a serious relationship will be able to connect more deeply with Fiona's struggle here than I did. Even if not, it's a book not to be missed. I received a copy of this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. FAVORITE QUOTES Over the years I'd learned absence doesn't make the heart grow fonder. The heart becomes wary, somnolent and cynical during periods of prolonged absence, burdened with cares and fears borne in solitude. However, absence does make the body greedy and irrationally amorous with frustrated need. "If you knew how I saw you, how I think of you, your ego would become unbearable." "My heart keeps discovering new ways to love you."

Originally posted at Booklovers For Life Each marriage is a living thing, just as complex as the two individuals within it. I became of huge fan of Penny Reid’s ever since reading her Elements of Chemistry series last year, and honestly, I just can’t believe I hadn’t read her books sooner. I’m obsessed with her writing and her brilliant, intelligent characters. In Happily Ever Ninja, Greg and Fiona Archer are just… wonderful. They’re not perfect, and their marriage certainly isn’t, but this is a couple who will do anything and everything for each other and their children. The respect and love they have for each other is beyond anything I’ve ever read, and Fiona and Greg will forever be a couple I look up to. If you’ve read Ninja at First sight, then you know how Fiona and Greg met and fell in love. Well, Happily Ever Ninja takes place a marriage, two kids, and 18 years later. Fiona is currently a stay-at-home mom, and Greg’s work takes him around the world for long periods of time. Fiona has been raising Jack and Grace nearly alone, but she keeps her burdens hidden so they won’t strain her marriage. She’s not about to complain about Greg leaving to do what he loves and support his family, but the stress and fatigue of being a mom, wife, friend, and practically a ninja have taken their toll on her. “You shouldn’t let people walk all over everything you believe, take advantage, or discount your feelings. If you don’t prioritize your feelings, no one else will.” Greg and Fiona’s marriage is put to the ultimate test when Greg is kidnapped while working in Nigeria, and Fiona has to use the skills she honed at her previous job (I’m so not spoiling that for you) and unleash her inner badass to save her husband and love of her life. And holy hell, is Fiona one badass chick. I LOVED Fiona. I was #TeamGreg in Ninja at First Sight, but I was completely #TeamFiona in Happily Ever Ninja. Who knew this badass mom had even more badassery inside her!? A lot of things took my by surprise in this book, and while I wouldn’t say it was bad, some of the things were just unexpected. I was expecting Happily Ever Ninja to be straight-up contemporary romance, about a married couple working through their marriage troubles, but it ended up being a lot more romantic suspense. There was sometimes too much action that took me out of the story, because all I really wanted to read about was Fiona and Greg and their marriage. Still, even though the story went in a completely different direction than I expected, I was still able to thoroughly enjoy and appreciate the way Penny Reid portrayed Fiona and Greg’s marriage. “I love you wildly, madly, completely, Fiona Archer,” he growled, then groaned on a broken breath. “I love you always.” I am not married and I don’t have kids. Yet Penny Reid and her magical ways were able to make me completely connect with Fiona and her frustrations. There aren’t a lot of books that feature a married couple, so I loved this introspective look on marriage – and what I learned is, bottom line, marriage is hard. Greg and Fiona experience stress, hardships, sacrifice, and plenty of other strains, but they never once give up on each other or their marriage. Even through the ups and downs, at the end of the day, these two could make each other smile. “My heart keeps discovering new ways to love you,” he whispered, like it was a secret. A magnificent, beautiful, perfect secret. Greg is my dream husband. Yes, he makes mistakes like any other person, and I got frustrated with him along with Fiona, but when it boils down to it, this man is utterly and completely devoted to his wife and family. So yeah, I loved Greg. I loved Fiona. I loved the way that even after 14 years of marriage, their relationship is ever changing and developing. This book really had it all. Humor, excellent writing, unique characters, action, a romance to root for. I’m definitely going to go back and catch up on the series because I just can’t get enough of Penny’s books! Thanks to the author for generously providing me an ARC to review. Quotes are taken from the ARC and are subject to change in the final version. Amazon Ebook: http://amzn.to/1WhQxyg Amazon Paperback: http://amzn.to/1nz99zM Liked this review? Subscribe to Booklovers For Life for more!