Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled 40 Daily Meditations on Jesus and Prayer

Harold Myra2019
Tragic events are covered in the media every day. Personal problems threaten to overpower us. Fear and anxiety cloud our thinking. And yet, Scripture tells us not to worry about anything. How can we respond with a peace-filled mind and hope-filled heart in a culture of chaos? The answer is both simple and challenging: Respond like Jesus! Jesus lived a life of prayer, partnering with God to accomplish the Father's will on earth. Whatever sorrow, discomfort, or outright agony Jesus faced, he endured it by saturating his mind with the magnificence of his heavenly Father. And we can do the same. These meditations immerse you in the teachings, stories, and prayers of Jesus. And "his peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:7).
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