Harry Potter
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Harry Potter The Complete Collection

J. K. Rowling2013
FANTASY. J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter novels are now available in these spectacular new editions, with beautifully designed jackets by renowned woodcut artist Andrew Davidson. This stylish boxed set includes all seven novels and is perfect for Harry Potter novices and collectors alike. Contains (in reading order): Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Ages 9+
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Photo of Aashvi
5 stars
Jun 16, 2024

My childhood

Photo of Nat
1 star
Jan 2, 2024

the first three was ok. fuck dumbledore

Photo of Nat
1 star
Oct 16, 2023

the first three was ok. fuck dumbledore

Photo of Bessie Small
Bessie Small@bessiemo
5 stars
Jul 11, 2023

Loved it!

Photo of Victoria cardillo
Victoria cardillo@tori554
5 stars
Nov 2, 2022


Photo of Sarah Kamenszki
Sarah Kamenszki@skamenszkii
4.5 stars
Sep 23, 2022

I was literally just kid when i read it for the first time and not gonna lie i still love it.

Photo of Alice Belle
Alice Belle@alicebooks
3 stars
Jul 3, 2022

I mean... basic, but they began my reading adoption

Photo of Swastee
5 stars
Mar 23, 2022

I know they're not the best, but they mean a lot to me so they deserver 5 stars

Photo of Tyler Hudson
Tyler Hudson@fireheartbeast
4.5 stars
Feb 25, 2022

The series as a whole is extremely moving and phenomenal. However I had issues getting through Goblet and Order so had to knock it down some.

Photo of Devansh Patil
Devansh Patil@devansh
5 stars
Feb 25, 2022

The best books I have ever read in my life, and I am not exaggerating. A great universe, even better characters, and a superb plot that mixes all these ingredients into the perfect series.

Photo of Joana Ribeiro
Joana Ribeiro@chicnurse
1 star
Feb 17, 2022

Very disappointed. Dunno why I only heard about this story today but decided to give it a try. The only good things in it are 1) was for charity and 2) well written. This story leaves questions, isn’t properly what we can call a prequel because we don’t find out much about the characters... would rather prefer reading a big book.

Photo of Iris
5 stars
Feb 17, 2022


Photo of Nika Khoshdel
Nika Khoshdel@nika
5 stars
Jan 28, 2022

My all time favorite💥💎

Photo of Alexandra Mellas
Alexandra Mellas@raidingbookshelves
4 stars
Jan 27, 2022

Why is Harry Potter such a strong contender for one of the greatest series of all time? Is it the pity and compassion we feel for this poor, undernourished orphan living under the stairs? Do we admire his courage and bravery in conquering his darkest enemy? Or are we jealous of the magical world he lives in? Personally, I love Harry Potter. He is my friend. We grew up together, feared and fought the Dark Lord together and have entered adulthood together. I received the first four Harry Potter books (the only one’s published at the time!) for my tenth birthday. As the next books were published, I stayed of an age with Harry and his friends and enjoyed picking my NEWT subjects and taking Apparition classes alongside my magical friends. I may have been graduating from VCE, starting University and starting my first serious relationship, but Harry was doing the same thing in his world. I understood his fears and his challenges as I encountered them in reality. I appreciated his empathy. This series is magical, not because of the subject matter, but because it has enchanted a whole new generation of readers; individuals of all ages who have been inspired by their experiences reading Harry Potter, and are branching out and trying to find more adventures in literature. What I Liked: I enjoy my adventures with Harry, Ron and Hermione. I like watching their personalities grow, and sharing in the teenage angst we all experience. When they fight with their friends, find love or face their fears, I empathise and can live through the characters Rowling has created. These books mature with Harry. He transforms from a gawky boy in a magic-less, mundane world of muggles, to a wizard confident in conquering the dangers facing his new home and friends. My favourite instalment: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I’m definitely not alone in preferring HP3 to the rest of the series. This book is so popular it is set as a school book. I got the opportunity to study it in one of my Children’s Literature classes in the third year of my Bachelor of Arts. In HP3, Harry begins his emotional growth, entering adolescents and learning to deal with the anger and fear caused by the onset of crazy magical hormones. As Harry learns more about his parents identities, their friends and their ultimate betrayal, he must learn to recognise loyalty and truth in his own relationships. When Harry finally confronts his Godfather, he must channel the morals and compassion of his parents, in order to see justice for their deaths. What I Didn’t Like:  I don’t really have any of the classic issues with Harry Potter. I don’t have a problem with J.K Rowlings style or story telling, and I find her characters as realistic as they can be when living in a fictional magical world. I occasionally find Harry a bit too temperamental in books 4-7, but I know enough teenage boys to know they are angry, gruff and uncooperative. 2021 update: In recent years, I've come to better understand how the use of stereotypes and the lack of diversity in the Harry Potter series is harmful. I still cherish the books, but when I read them now, I try to do so with an awareness of the racism that imbues the books - particularly in regards to the representation of many magical creatures. Goblins in literature been recognised as examples of anti-Semitic stereotypes and caricatures of Jewish people; while this may not have been intentional, Harry Potter has so much influence that it continues to perpetuate a harmful mythology. For an insightful look into some of the problems with the Harry Potter universe, have a look at these articles that express it more clearly than I can: JK Rowling has always been tone-deaf. Just look at the Harry Potter Universe written by Shubhangi Misra Characters Are Not A Coloring Book Or, Why the Black Hermione is a Poor Apology for the Ingrained Racism of Harry Potter is an essay by Mimi Mondal Conclusion: Harry Potter will forever be one of my go-to stories when I’m sick or lonely. It makes me feel better, and reminds me that magic exists everywhere. I can acknowledge that there are significant problems and Rowling has become problematic - I know I will no longer support her as an author by purchasing merchandise and if my books ever need to be replaced, it will be second hand - but I am also grateful that these books inspired generations of children to read.

Photo of Aliki Dettoraki
Aliki Dettoraki @alikidettoraki
5 stars
Jan 4, 2022

The harry potter books are some of the best books to ever exist. The whole Harry Potter universe is one of the most beautiful things and I think EVERYONE should read all of the books at least once. Well, the HP universe became very popular because of Draco Malfoy. I’ve been a fan of the books since I was in like fourth grade and I really liked Draco back then when he wasn’t overrated. He’s a great character, like Ron, Hermione, Harry and more. These books are amazing and everyone should get them!

Photo of Jocelyn Poh
Jocelyn Poh@jocelynp
4 stars
Jan 3, 2022

here's the link if you'd like to read it: http://www.mugglenet.com/harry-potter... my rating | 3.5 stars a prequel about 2 of the MARAUDERS?? i need more of this, it's left me wanting so so much more... I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS I NEED ANSWERS TO.

Photo of Melissa  Sautron
Melissa Sautron @melimelo974
5 stars
Dec 30, 2021

My favorite univers

Photo of Samirah Arif
Samirah Arif@violetsandprimroses
3 stars
Dec 16, 2021

This was better than the entire series combined. Sure it had the usual all-white cast and boring writing style but still.

Photo of Penelope  Mpourdeka
Penelope Mpourdeka@penelopempou
5 stars
Dec 15, 2021

One of the best books I’ve ever read

Photo of nicole
4 stars
Dec 14, 2021

I just finished reading the books and I absolutely loved it!!

Photo of Ahaana Bhargava
Ahaana Bhargava@windowstoworlds
2 stars
Dec 14, 2021

hi i used to love this but not anymore 3

Photo of paris (taylor’s version)
paris (taylor’s version)@isthataladybug
5 stars
Dec 8, 2021

only downfall is the fact that remus didn’t end up with sirius 😠

Photo of Patti Reinheimer
Patti Reinheimer@patti
4 stars
Dec 7, 2021

Short, but fun. Definitely recommend tracking down if you’re a Potter fan.

Photo of Sam Kiszonka
Sam Kiszonka@dastardlyreads
3 stars
Dec 6, 2021

This story was way too short!! 800 words is nothing!! ‘Oh, OUR names, did you mean?’ asked the first, as Anderson spluttered with rage. ‘You should’ve said! This here is James Potter, and I’m Sirius Black!’ ‘Things’ll be seriously black for you in a minute, you cheeky little -’ This prequel is short, sweet and funny. I definitely wanted more!


Photo of Seren Johnston
Seren Johnston@starj2978

“When in doubt go to the library” - Ron Weasley

Said when talking about Hermione

Photo of Bindy Wicks
Bindy Wicks@bindy

"No" "No, Sir" "No need to call me sir, proffessor."

absolutely my favourite sass line from Harry. Honestly, the movies deprived everyone of the god level of sass that Harry hones.

This highlight contains a spoiler