Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Actually forgot that this book was a little scary. Still a clever little plot imo. How long do you think it’ll take me to finish rereading the whole series

Reading the series with my kids is such a joy. They love them as much as I do

Book Notes:
-Dursley’s are still cunts
-Harry going to Ron’s home and thinking it’s the greatest thing he’s ever seen was adorable
-Lockheart was just there like bro had no purpose but I thought after he lost his memory and was like “ I don’t have a sword that boy does though he can lend it to you” was funny
-Ginny’s crush on Harry was so cute and he was so worried about her when she was in the chamber
-The Weasley’s are feral they be trying to fight anyone once somebody they love is disrespected (Fred and George trying to beat up Draco for calling Hermione a mudblood, Ron also trying to defend Hermione and saying he’ll kill Draco with his bare hands,Ginny telling Draco to shut up - notice how the problem is always Draco -)
-everyone being like has Dumbledore come back? Have they found the heir of Slytherin? And Oliver Wood being like is quidditch back on was hilarious and really speaks to his priorities
-I love Dean so much
-poor ginny she just wanted to write about her feelings and instead got traumatised
-dobby has the right intentions just went about it the wrong way he’s super cute though so he’s forgiven
-the last pages were absolute gold

another one… nostalgic as ever and every page still feels like childhood


The book is well-written overall.
However, I must admit that I enjoyed the first part much more. Toward the end, the story lost momentum very quickly, and in my opinion, there was little to no suspense left.
Nevertheless, I’m looking forward to "The Prisoner of Azkaban," as it sounds very exciting so far.

Basilisks rock ass.

finished 8/29/16

4.5/5 So fun and immersive, not quite as well written as Sorcerer's Stone!

I don't have much to say besides, I'm glad I don't have to think too much about Gilderoy anymore.

Honestly you can't beat this nostalgia!!! Full potter head and hufflepuff but haven't read the full series yet and haven't read the first few since elementary school lol. I love getting deeper into learning the characters and really enjoying the world building. I've been annotating and tabbing this book while I'm reading and it's really fun!!

My favorite of the series. It was down hill from here.

always found this to be the weakest in the series, and looks like it hasn’t changed. i did enjoy seeing small clues for later important plots in the series being mentioned, and i do think one thing that’s really well done is the general atmosphere of everyday life at hogwarts. but plot-wise this has just never worked that well for me. i’m also already exhausted of villain monologues. voldemort talks too much that’s why he never gets the job done.

This was miles better then the first book. Having seen the movies I was very afraid I’d never enjoy the books much due to knowing what happens. But I was wrong. This book was fantastic. Being a mystery fan, this book was just right up my alley. It almost felt like a slow burn at times in terms of how much the main storyline moved along, but at the same time since the main trio was always up to some trouble it never really got boring and the payoff to the buildup was great. I honestly did not remember who the culprit was and how they did it and it was fascinating going trough it again, specially with that much more detail and explanation that they give out in the book compared to the movie. Overall this just worked for me, both from a character standpoint (I already knew the characters and they spent less time antagonizing Hermione in a not so funny way, which made me get attached to everyone) and from a story standpoint, where the actual main plot was very evident in this one, whereas as the first book was more introductory, the plot was much more all over the place.

I've said it before & I'll say it once again: If Harry Potter is good when you read it for the first time, it only gets better when you reread it. Jim Dale is mind-blowing. Harry Potter are the first audiobooks I've ever listened to, but I know no one will every be as a good narrator as he is. He gives a different tones to each character, not just reading their lines, but acting them. He seriously adds to the whole experience. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Harry Potter & I definitely think the audiobooks deserve to be heard as much as the books deserve to be read.

am i reading a book or am i showering in a warm delicious chocolate milk? because reading this gives me that sweet and comfy feeling that i totally need right now. funfact: this was the first harry potter book i read when i was little (i think i didn't have the first book back then, so i skipped it)

Imba phoenix brutalises poor enslaved snake so the climax can be carelessly stuffed into an editor's wordcount intray. We didn't even get to see the mandrakes suffer with the nihilistic dread of early adulthood!


I loved this book so much!
Having seen all the movies before reading the books, it’s been a little challenging to read these “for the first time.” I’m going to have to watch the movies again to see how they compare with the books.
Great story, intriguing plot—loved it.

Oodles and oodles of love.

I CANT EXPLAIN THE AMAZINGNESSS. Already off to start the next! Man, these are the BEST.

4.5 🌟 Another great book read by Stephen fry with his amazing voices. This wasn't my favourite book in the series, but it was still pretty great! I enjoyed the ending ❤️

Very good

"You haven't read Harry Potter?" "You haven't read HARRY POTTER?" "You can't understand the joke because you haven't read Harry Potter!" "Man, I still can't wrap my mind around how one exists without reading Harry Potter! You are missing a lot!" Friends found me strange. They reckoned that I was being haughty and that I found 'Harry Potter' juvenile. But the truth was that I had no clue about why I didn't read Harry Potter for so long. Honestly! Today, after I finished 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets', I came here to give my score. And, I stumbled upon this quote that substantiated (well! Almost!) my reason for not befriending Harry Potter when the books were a rage. "Sometimes books don't find us until the right time.” —Gabrielle Zevin Now, after having read two books, I admit that I had missed a lot in life. But, the good news is that there is no deadline really. One is never too old to read Harry Potter. I am glad that I finally met the boy and his friends. Oh! They are fascinating, aren't they?

“What does she understand?” - Harry
“Loads more than I do” - Ron

“You’d better hope Creevey doesn’t meet Ginny, they’ll be starting a Harry Potter fan club” ~ Ron

Viel mehr als unsere Fähigkeiten sind es unsere Entscheidungen, Harry, die zeigen, wer wir wirklich sind.

São as nossas escolhas, Harry, que mostram quem de facto nós somos, mais do que as nossas capacidades.

- Deves ter demonstrado uma grande lealdade para comigo. Só isso poderia levar a Fawkes a ir ajudar-te.

Dobby só poder ser libertado se os donos lhe derem roupa, senhor.

- Porque é que alguém se lembraria de festejar o dia em que morreu?

O Dobby ser um elfo doméstico, obrigado a servir uma casa e uma família para sempre.

Eu vou ficar no meu quarto, sem fazer barulho e fingindo que não estou lá.

"It is our choices --- that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."

Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain.

Lockhart hadn’t mended Harry’s bones. He had removed them.
For goodness sake Gilderoy

Haven’t I taught you anything? What have I always told you? Never trust anything that can think for itself ifyou can't se where it keps its brain. Why didn't you show the diary to me, or your mother? A suspicious object like that, it was clearly full of Dark Magic

“Master has given a sock,” said the elf in wonderment. “Master gave it to Dobby.”

“When in doubt, go to the library.” -Ron
Best motto Hermione could have

“Honestly, if you were any slower, you’d be going backward.” -Malfoy