Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

This has been a great series to read, i never got bored of any of them as I red, they all kept me hooked.

I remember being unsure as to how to feel about the fact that this was going to be the last Harry Potter book I would ever read for the first time. The previous book had done such a good job of imprinting the death of Dumbledore, and Hallows picked off from there, reinforcing Snape in all his nastiness as the book went on. But by the time you were done with The Prince's Tale, it was such a smack in the face, and turned the whole thing around. While it's hard to say that it was completely unexpected or that no one saw it coming, Snape's redemption and turn around and the way it was done really brought out what an awesome character he had been all along. There were lots of frightening moments too (Godric's Hollow, anyone?),there were laughs and scares in the exact right places; and towards the end, it sort of really came together. Bellatrix getting what she had coming to her ('Not by daughter, you bitch!'), Percy coming around, the Battle of Hogwarts, the Resurrection Stone scene. But I think what she really did well was the final confrontation between Harry and Voldemort (which, sadly the movie completely butchered) - 'You don't learn from your mistakes, Riddle, do you?' The confrontation was awesome, but the actual duel itself was kinda disappointing. Expelliarmus. I mean, OH SHIT NOT AGAIN. However, aside from that, reading this book for the first time was one of the genuinely best pleasures I've known. I may have my issues with the prequel, but I don't think she could have done a better job with the book, or the series for that matter.

Un cierre espectacular

It has finally happened, I have read Harry Potter! And it was every bit as wonderful as I hoped.

I'm dying 🙃

I can finally say that I have read all the harry potter books. The ending was confusing but very interesting! :)

All I can say right now is that I will be grieving the end of this incredible series for months and months to come. I don't have a favorite book of the series because they're all just so ingenious. How am I supposed to move on? What could I possibly read next after something as wonderful as HARRY POTTER? I'm just lost for words. This series captured my heart and showed me what it means to love and hope and, I think above all, what it means to truly have courage. Thank you for this series, J. K. Rowling. The characters of Harry Potter are friends that will remain with me forever.

It was brilliant :) Great end to the series


I cried. Man, oh how I cried. you can't even fathom how much tears I've shed for this damn book.

Dobby's dead. So areLupin, Tonks, Fred, among others. But so is Voldie, on the brighter side. It will take me some time to process what's happened.

too. much. sudden. deaths.

★★★★★ // i got into the Harry Potter series late in the game and this was the first book in the series that i read, believe it or not. i’m so grateful to my friend for lending her copy of this to me back in 6th grade. it didn’t just make me an HP fan, but also opened doors for me to really get into reading.

WHAT A RIDE. This book is crazy suspenseful, and so greatly brings Harry’s story to an end. I’ll be damned.

I did not even have to think about whether to give this 5 or 4 stars. For lack of better words, it was absolutely amazing. The most plot twisting, crazily action packed, and mind boggling book in the whole series(in my opinion of course). I could not stop reading the last roughly 200 pages because of how well thought out and satisfying it was. This is probably my favorite of the series, and is definitely in my top 5 favorite books I have ever read so far. HIGHLY RECOMMEND READING THIS SERIES.

I've honestly found this reread of the series a little bit boring... maybe I shouldn't read it again within the next ten years.
But the ending was so satisfying and heartwarming. I could see the footage from the movie playing while I read.

After years of procrastination I’ve finally finished the Harry Potter series. I always wait until the hype has died down before reading a book or series and unfortunately I waited until the books and author came under controversy to finally finish the series. Reading the books with that lens has made me realize that I really missed the opportunity to read these books when I was younger and before I watched the movies for the full effect. One thing in the final book that bothered me was that the Dursleys didn’t treat Harry with respect or kindness even in the end which I found unrealistic to the situation. I would have loved for Aunt Petunia to have a serious conversation with Harry about Lily (like in the deleted scene in the movie) but unfortunately the Dursleys were kept cartoonishly horrible until the end. It was only Dudley who finally spoke up and was kind to Harry in the end, which I appreciated. The beginning of this book was a breeze, I read through the first twenty-two chapters in one day. I loved learning more about Dumbledore after his death, it really added layers to his characterization. Seeing Snape’s story come full circle was completely heart breaking and satisfying. I’m not sure if it was intentional, but the pure blood / half-blood dynamic being a metaphor for white supremacy and mixed race relations has been blatant and obvious throughout the entire series, with the metaphor being more pronounced in this final book. The pacing of this book was spectacular and I couldn’t put it down. The battle scenes were written well and I could visualize everything that was happening without any problems. All the secondary characters have become fully fleshed out and serve the greater story in a way that feels natural. The ending and epilogue were satisfying and were a perfect close to the series.

This series is still such a wonder. All these years, all these rereads later and I still sob. Always /*

I can hear what you're thinking.. Hannah, why would you start from the last book?? Why would you read this massive book in one afternoon?? What are you D O I N G ?!? “Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.” I have been a long-time self-proclaimed Potterhead, but I've never actually read the books until now. (The shame is real). I find a review would be inadequate to express my love for the entire Harry Potter world. It is always a pleasure to return to the magic of it all, to be whisked away on another journey with our Golden Trio. The amount of detail put into every aspect of every story, the emotions that you feel right along with the characters, the funny parts and the thought-provoking parts and the parts that make me cry every time... it is rare to find a book series that has touched the world so deeply. The experience of reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows after watching the movies? Familiar. I could visualize so clearly what was happening. Of course, I had also seen excerpts many times via Pinterest and whatnot, so I would see something and think, I know this part!! But, at the same time, reading allowed me to explore the characters with much more depth than watching. There was so much more contained in these pages, details that the movies could not recreate. There's a reason it is practically a universal truth that for any series, the books are better than the movies. This is all to say that I loooooved it. So! Much!! “That makes me sound a lot cooler than I was,” Ron mumbled. “Stuff like that always sounds cooler than it really was,” said Harry. “I've been trying to tell you that for years.” I know this isn't my typical review since it's not actually very informative about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' contents, but I honestly don't think anything I say will do it justice. This series is truly legendary. I hope Harry Potter's stories continue to positively impact people for a long time. “It was not, after all, so easy to die.”

This series is still such a wonder. All these years, all these rereads later and I still sob. Always /*

The only book in the series whose writing (IMHO) justified the amazing setting and the plot.

I will confess a horrible sin: When this book came out, I read the last chapter first. I hadn't read any other Harry Potter books at the time, but I had watched up to the fifth movie. I thought I was all cool going in on the book launch day and picking up the copy. I excitedly held it in my hands all the way home, and then I snuck off into my parents' room and I read the last chapter. I was utterly confused and then decided I had to actually read it. And man, was I even more confused because I didn't know what happened in book six since the movie wasn't out yet... Ah, the memories. As an adult, I decided it was finally time to read the book series in order and not be the bratty little kid who wanted to know how it ended before all of her friends (luckily that phase has long since passed). It took a few years for me to manage it, but I finally dove into the last Harry Potter book and welcomed it like an old friend. I had so many smiles and nostalgia trips remembering reading this book in my parents bed (don't ask me why, but this book required me to not read in my normal reading spots of my bed or the couches, but instead in their bed). This series is marvellous. The writing style and tone of moving from a much younger kid who is innocent to the world to a set of young adults dealing with violence, bravery and fear all at the same time... It's incredible. I am still in awe at how great this series was. Does it have its flaws? Absolutely. This series is not perfect by any means, but it is a great set of books to read if you want to disappear into a fantasy world and watch the characters grow and develop. This series has a specialize place in my heart due to the movies enticing me to pick up reading more. The story itself is a great finale to this series. There's action, lots of answers to questions we had throughout the series, and a final sentence that will bring a smile to your face and a close to the series. Harry, Ron, Hermione and the rest of the gang bring on the fight against He Who Must Not Be Named with wickedly smart deducting, crafty stories and lore, and lots of emotions and drama. Along with the laughs, we get many sad moments that make you realize how "real" the wrath of Voldemort was in this series. The amount of deaths and destruction really puts the trauma into perspective. You'll feel pain, grief and loss along with the characters, but luckily there are some good chuckles and friendly characters around the corners to make sure you're not crying your eyes out through this whole book. This farewell story for Harry Potter was really well rounded. It's hard to finish off a series with such "hurrah" and fandom behind it in a good way. I have to say, I think it was done really well. I don't think there are many other ways this story could have ended that would leave the book filing complete. There were some parts of the story I wish didn't happen, but it felt like everything belonged and needed to be there for the story to come to a close. Despite some of the flaws that might be present for a variety of readers, I think this is as close as we could get to a "perfect" ending for a series this big. So, I give J.K. applause on that one. Writing a book as universally impressive as this one is hard to do! Side note: I've seen the many comments about J.K. and I do want to say one thing: We don't have to agree with the author to enjoy this book. I definitely don't agree with everything J.K. has done and said, but this book does have a special place in my heart in the childhood nostalgia section. Don't hate on those who still find the joy and whimsy of their childhood in this series. We can all agree to disagree on that one. Let this book be a book for people to disassociate from the world into. Overall, this was such a nice book to dive back into. I hope many more readers can find books that are as enchanting as this one was for me.

The scar had not pained Harry for nineteen years. All was well.
How can someone be so loved but lonely at the same time, I can’t even imagine how that would feel. Most of his parental figures dead along with some of his friends, and he had to witness them in an age where he isn’t even technically an “adult” in the “real” world. And the amount of burden and duties placed onto Harry while still being a child and especially in a world where he was more than a decade late to knowing about compared to all the kids in his age.
I’m glad I’m ending this series without a heavy heart no longer, for Harry Potter, the boy who lived (thrice or more from the killing curse idk anymore), has spent more years in his life without the sufferings of Voldemort anymore.

“Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?”
“Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”

“Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and above all, those who live without love.

“There are far, far worse things in the living world than dying.”

'Zo,' zei ze zachtjes. 'Nu lijkt het alsof hij slaapt." - Fleur Delacour

'In liefde en oorlog is alles toegestaan.' - Ron Wemel

And at the head, the locket of regulus black bouncing on his chest, was Kreacher. “Fight the dark lord in the name of brave regulus”
omg Kreacher

“Tell me one last thing. Is this real? It has this been happening inside my head” “ofc it is happening inside your head. But why on earth should that mean it is not real?”

Sirius was tall and handsome and younger by far than Harry had seen him in life. Lupin was younger too.
not them looking the way the were on the day they died but it was the day the potters died because that day their souls died

“You disgust me” said Dumbledore
bro you go girl I hate you but saying that to Snape yes

Harry had a clear few of the body’s lying next to Fred. Remus and tonks
oh moony

Fred looked at Percy with glee “You actually are joking perc. I don’t think I heard you joking since you were-“ the air exploded.
rip fred

“Here lies Dobby a free elve”

And then with a little shutter the Elve became quite still
my heart it broke

Together he and Harry looked down at the silver hilt of the knife petrifying from the elves heaving chest

A blour Flying silver as bellatrix’s knife flew across the room at the place where he was vanashing
Oh dobby

It was easy to easy. He had not even picked up his wand.
And James potter fell like a marionette who’s string were cut.
oh James

“Harry I think it’s Christmas Eve”

“With your parents safely out of the way” “my parents are dead”
bro Ron das war bisschen fieß

“…about anything of the junk” kreacher has taken a run at mandungus and hit him over the head with pan
kreacher I freaking love you

“The man who taught me how to fight dementors a coward”
shit your mouth Harry because how could you say something like that

“I made a great mistake in marrying tonks. I did it against my better judgement and I have regretted it ever since”
oh Remus…

Watched as master regulus was dragged beneath the water
Oh kreacher my poor poor kreacher I know what your feeling

Do not enter with out the expressed permission of Regulus Arcturus Black
Watch me crying once again