Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

J. K. Rowling2003
When the government of the magic world and authorities at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry refuse to believe in the growing threat of a freshly revived Lord Voldemort, fifteen-year-old Harry Potter finds support from his loyal friends in facingthe evil wizard and other new terrors.
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Photo of Julia pinheiro
Julia pinheiro@jupinhdc
4 stars
Aug 16, 2024

I really like it, but this hero syndrome that Harry has is really begginning to piss me off.

Photo of Kathy gerrard
Kathy gerrard@kgkathyhg
5 stars
Aug 10, 2024

Great story, just keep going the size of the book is overwhelming but it's definitely worth the read

Photo of Emilia Vulliamy
Emilia Vulliamy@smallville_em
5 stars
Aug 9, 2024

Arguably one of the greatest books ever written.

Photo of Jennifer Gosnell
Jennifer Gosnell@jennifereveann
3 stars
Jul 19, 2024

My least favourite in the series. It’s a tough one! Harry is just so miserable, and there are some very important transitions and learnings here… but it’s just a particularly enjoyable read for the most part!

Photo of Annabelle Kortum
Annabelle Kortum@akortum
4 stars
May 4, 2024

great book, horrible author

Photo of Hanna Rybchynska
Hanna Rybchynska@hannarbc
5 stars
May 3, 2024

4,5 stars! This book is great!

Photo of Alex S
Alex S@ayesquiggle
4 stars
Apr 29, 2024

I really enjoyed this book for the most part, but it was just so long for no reason. I don't understand why it wasn't edited down more. However, as always it was incredibly captivating and atmospheric, and I am excited to read the rest of the series!

Photo of Alicia
2.5 stars
Apr 26, 2024

La trama tiene bastantes fallos y además son demasiadas páginas de relleno, el libro podrían haber sido 100 páginas perfectamente en vez de casi 900, no entiendo para que meter tanto relleno... Al menos es fácil de leer y no se me hizo demasiado pesado, pero eso no quita que sobre

Photo of beep beep
beep beep@beepbeep
4.5 stars
Apr 24, 2024

i cried

Photo of Andrés
2 stars
Apr 17, 2024

Pff se me ha hecho muy bola. No pasa absolutamente nada en todo el libro, es acojonante que Rowling pueda llenar mil paginas de palabras que no cuenten nada. Lo único que hace es demostrar que Harry es un cretino y un prepotente cada dos por tres. Muy decepcionante, sobretodo viniendo del cuarto libro.

Photo of Nica
5 stars
Mar 26, 2024

i hate this book

Photo of Vicky  Nuñez
Vicky Nuñez @vicky21
5 stars
Mar 25, 2024

** spoiler alert ** We been following Harry through his struggles, but during the Order of the Phoenix we can see his true frustration with his life & that only makes him feel more vivid in our minds. This book was bittersweet for me. I loved Sirius & his demise brings me to tears. But I know it happens for the welfare of the whole story. Still, I will always resent J.K. a bit for that. :P

Photo of Annika Arguemore
Annika Arguemore@arguemore
5 stars
Jan 14, 2024

this is where things start to get dire.

Photo of hileahrious
3 stars
Jan 12, 2024

Good shite, but honestly don’t think it’s as well written as the previous books. The end (last 150 pages or so) gets pretty jumbled and even boring at times. Also Harry’s a fuckin idiot which is frustrating. I know, I know, he’s a fifteen yr old... but still.

Photo of Anna
5 stars
Jan 8, 2024

I love this series so much! If you haven't read it yet then go read it!!! *I'm planning to review the whole series properly in the future

Photo of Laura Mauler
Laura Mauler@blueskygreenstrees
5 stars
Dec 25, 2023


Photo of Jaden Nelson
Jaden Nelson@unojaden
5 stars
Nov 30, 2023

I am finding it really hard to think of how I feel about this book. I have only just finished it and I don't really know if it is a 5 star book, but at this point, this is what I have decided. This book is obviously quite a chunker and in turn taken me the longest of the books so far. There is so much contained in this book, some I absolutely loved, and some I found a little underwhelming compared to some of the other books so far. After looking back through the chapters, but also thinking about the book as a whole, I think I very much enjoyed it. My confusion of my feelings on the book may be from the unfortunate even I have just read(no spoilers but brace yourself☹️). Regardless of what I think right now, I would still recommend reading this, and although I don't think it was one of my favorites so far, it may be your's so READ IT.

Photo of Geoffrey Froggatt
Geoffrey Froggatt@geofroggatt
4 stars
Nov 29, 2023

Harry is such a snarky little shit in the books compared to the movies. I like it. The pacing of this book was incredible, there was never a dull moment. Professor Umbridge was a unique villain and I love how she was written. There isn’t much I can write about a book that I enjoyed. The writing style was juvenile but because of this it was easy to visualize the story and the world. I’m now coming to appreciate how well crafted the secondary characters are in this series. This book was long but it never felt like the story was bloated and I was constantly immersed in the storytelling.

Photo of Mey
3.5 stars
Nov 14, 2023

It is only now that I realise how much Snape projected his hatred of James onto Harry

Photo of Melissa Palmer
Melissa Palmer@melissapalmer404
5 stars
Nov 5, 2023

Book #139 Read in 2016 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling (re-read) This is the fifth book in the Harry Potter series. In this book, the Order is once again fighting against Lord Voldemort. Harry is still struggling with being the Chosen One. This book has good action, great characters and continues to develop wonderful storylines.

Photo of Denise B.
Denise B.@deniseb
2 stars
Sep 7, 2023

Sirius Black.

This review contains a spoiler
Photo of Shape Mismatch
Shape Mismatch@shape_mismatch
2 stars
Aug 1, 2023

This book is a saddening example of an amazing plot subdued by sub-par writing.

Photo of Briar's Reviews
Briar's Reviews@briarsreviews
5 stars
Jul 31, 2023

This book was absolutely fantastic! I felt like this book really stepped it up from the last, much like all of J.K. Rowling's books have throughout this series. Each book goes into deeper themes and reveals more about the background of the story. Somehow, Rowling releases each bit of information at just the perfect time so everything fits into place like a puzzle. In my opinion, there were parts of the story that seemed to just magically happen to make the plot move (pun not intended), but they do help tie the plot together. It seems like these plot devices are just put in to make Harry's life more difficult, and if that is the objection of the plot then it's doing great. But they do leave minor plot holes to those readers that are fully engrossed in the novel. Overall, I loved it! I was hooked at every word and I will definitely be reading the rest of the series! Five out of five stars!

Photo of Erik Wallace
Erik Wallace@erikwallace
4 stars
Jul 26, 2023

Harry's two worlds collide in Order of the Phoenix as dementors come after Harry at Privet Drive. Narrowly escaping, Harry flees and is reunited with Ron and Hermoine at the home of Sirius Black. Before starting their fifth year at Hogwart's, Harry and his friends are already in for the biggest challenge academic and otherwise in this installment. With the Ministry of Magic challenging Hogwarts and Dumbledore paired with the resurgance of Voldemort, things get grim. This book is an exhilirating read from start to finish. A prophecy concerning Harry and Voldemort is revealed, Sirius' family ties are uncovered and there is a fierce battle in the Ministry of Magic, ultimately killing one character.


Photo of Emily McMeans
Emily McMeans@emilymcmeans

“Indifference and neglect, often do much more damage than outright dislike. “

Photo of Nica

Thoughts could leave deeper scarring than almost anything else.

Photo of Nica

"What did I care if numbers of nameless and faceless people and creatures were slaughtered in the vague future, if in the here and now you were alive, and well, and happy? I never dreamed that I would have such a person on my hands"

Photo of Nica

"Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike..."

Photo of Nica

"there are things much worse than death"

Photo of Nica

“The mind is not a book, to be opened at will and examined at leisure. Thoughts are not etched on the inside of the skulls, to be perused by any invader. The mind is a complex and many-layered thing, Potter…or at least, most minds are….”

Photo of Nica

“Wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure”

Photo of Rocio

‘I see them dead all the time… all the time! I dream about it…’

‘Molly, that’s enough,’ said Lupin firmly. ‘This isn’t like last time.’

Mrs. Weasley smiled tremulously. ‘Being silly,’ she muttered again, mopping her eyes.

But Harry, closing his bedroom door behind him some ten minutes later, could not think Mrs. Weasley silly. He could still see his parents beaming up at him from the tattered old photograph, unaware that their lives, like so many of those around them, were drawing to a close.

Page 176
Photo of Rocio

And then, to see them surrounded by all those other happy faces… all waving happily out of the photograph forevermore, not knowing that they were doomed.

Page 174
Photo of Rocio

As long as he was busy he was happy; when the action abated, however, whenever he dropped his guard, or lay exhausted in bed watching blurred shadows move across the ceiling, the thought of the looming Ministry hearing returned to him… The idea was so terrible that he did not dare voice it aloud…

Page 118
Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

“I cared about you too much”

biggest lie ever told by Dumbledore

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

“He can’t come back Harry.” Said lupin his voice breaking “he can’t come back because he’s de-“ “he is not dead!” Roared Harry

Denial is a river in Egypt Harry

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

He was laughing at her “come on you can do better than that!” He yelled. The second jet of light hit squarely on the chest.

bye bye Sirius was nice knowing you

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

“He’s got padfoot at the place where it’s hidden”

oh yeah let’s talk in “riddles” good idea Harry especially with Snape

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

“If we don’t go Sirius is dead!”

oh he is dead either way sorry to break it to you Harry

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

“Okay” she said looking frightened yet determined. “I just got to say this.” “What?” “You…this isn’t a criticism Harry. But you do sort of I mean don’t you think you got a bit of a saving people thing?”

obviously he does he is James son

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

He has achieved high marks in all Defense against the dark art tests set by a competent teacher

mini I love you

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

Judging from what he had just seen, his father had been every bit as arrogant as Snape had always told him.

you take that back Harry fucking potter

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

“Then you will find yourself easy prey for the dark lord.” Said Snape savagely “Fools who wear their heart proudly in their sleeves, who can not control their emotions, who wallow in sad memories and allow themselves to be provoked this easily, weak people in other words, they stand no chance against his powers. He will panatrate your mind with absurd ease Potter.”

I wonder who he is really talking about here you fukcing ass

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

“It’s on Valentine’s Day.” “Right” said Harry wondering why she told him this

Harry how stupid do I you want to be?!

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

And tell Dumbledore thanks for nothing

you tell him Harry

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

Hagrid:”your not serious” Harry:”yes I am”

No your not Harry that’s your godfather

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

“Weasley was born in a bin, he always lets the quaffel in. Weasley will make sure we win, that why all the Slytherin sing, weasley is our king”

This song omg

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

“You don’t think he is kinda living through us?”

oh hell nah Sirius is definitely doing that Hermione you are so right and only he would ever support such an idea he needs the drama

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