Cyber Environment and International Politics

Cyber Environment and International Politics

Actors in the cyber sphere include countries’ armed forces, intelligence organizations, legal authorities, and natural and legal persons. Cyber War is defined as the intrusion by one state to destroy or disrupt the computer systems or networks of another state. It is defined as “the sort of warfare in which computer systems are employed to damage or destroy adversary systems” in the United Nations Glossary, in the same way as information warfare. Cyber warfare moves at a breakneck speed. It’s a global phenomenon that occurs before the traditional battleground. In order to counter cyber crimes and related issues, more studies needed to improve our understanding, inform policies and develop and strengthen cooperation between individuals, institutions and countries. All states need to take constitutional, legal, technical and administrative measures on cybersecurity. For this purpose, “national virtual environment security policies” should be developed and constantly updated. National information security should be given utmost importance. A cyber security awareness culture should be established and supported by regional and global international institutions and organizations. A common understanding on cyber security needs to be adopted at all levels. CONTENTS PREFACE PART 1. INTERNATIONAL LAW AND CYBER ENVIRONMENT CYBER ENVIRONMENT – Serkan Yenal and Naci Akdemir CYBER NEGOTIATIONS THROUGH THE LENSES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW – Öncel Sençerman PART 2. CYBER POLICIES OF THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND STATES CONCEPTUAL AND NORMATIVE BASIS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION’S CYBERSECURITY – Neziha Musaoğlu and Neriman Hocaoğlu Bahadır FRANCE’S CYBER SECURITY POLICIES – Ahmet Emre Köker TURKEY’S CYBER SECURITY POLICIES – Ozan Örmeci, Eren Alper Yılmaz, and Ahmet Emre Köker PART 3. CYBER SECURITY AND WARFARE THE IMPACTS OF USING CYBER ENVIRONMENT AS A DOMAIN IN MODERN WARFARE: CYBER-ATTACKS AND CYBER SECURITY – Murat Pınar and Soyalp Tamçelik HOW CAN CYBER SECURITY BE ENSURED IN THE GLOBAL CYBERSPACE? – Hüsmen Akdeniz DIGITAL NON-STATE ACTORS IN CYBER CONFLICTS: HOW THE HACKTIVISTS AND CYBER SOLDIERS CHANGE THE FUTURE – Cansu Arisoy Gedik CYBERATTACK THREAT AGAINST CRITICAL ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURES AND ENERGY SECURITY – Cemal Kakisim CYBER TERRORISM IN NEW GENERATION WAR CONCEPT – Yunus Karaağaç SECURITY OF HUMANITARIAN ORGANISATIONS IN CYBERSPACE – Aslı Şirin HUMAN SECURITY AND POSSIBLE INFLUENCE OF CYBERTHREATS ON DEMOCRACY: CASE OF GHANA -Burak Şakir Şeker and Harun Abubakar Siddique NEW BATTLEFIELD BETWEEN CHINA AND THE USA: CYBERSPACE – Dogan Safak Polat RUSSIAN FEDERATION’S CYBER ​​WARFARE CAPABILITIES – Ahmet Sapmaz CYBER SECURITY ENVIRONMENT IN THE GULF OF GUINEA – Burak Şakir Şeker, Hasret Çomak, and Harun Abubakar Siddique PART 4. TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS AND CYBER SECURITY THE EFFECTS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ON CYBERSECURITY – Erol Demir and Fahri Erenel CYBER SECURITY IN DISASTER AND RISK MANAGEMENT – Levent Uzunçıbuk MEDIA AND CYBER SECURITY RISKS – Emine Kılıçaslan RISKS AND CYBER SECURITY AT MUSEUMS – Şengül Aydıngün and Haldun Aydıngün PART 5. CYBER WORLD, CYBER CULTURE, AND INTERNATIONAL ECONOMY DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT OF FOREIGN TRADE AND COOPERATION: INSTITUTIONS, STRATEGIES, TECHNOLOGIES – Natalia Yevchenko A BLOCK CHAIN-BASED APPLICATION IN CYBER ECONOMIC SYSTEM: NFT – Duygu Yücel THE PHENOMENON OF DIGITIZATION IN THE TURKISH BANKING SYSTEM, RISKS AND SOLUTIONS IN THE FIELD OF CYBER SECURITY – Hatice Nur Germir INSECURITY SYNDROME IN DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT – Hüseyin Çelik CYBER SECURITY: A PERSPECTIVE FROM ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY – Merve Mamacı THE FAR-RIGHT AND SOCIAL MEDIA – Hüseyin Pusat Kıldiş
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