Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage Stories
A collection of short fiction explores the complexities of human relationships and emotions in stories about a housekeeper entering old-maidhood whose life is transformed by a practical joke and a lifelong philanderer who finds the tables turned.
Stephanie Honour@stephonour
Melody Izard@mizard
Kyle Sawatsky@ksawatsky
Paige Wanner@turntopaige22
Isabella Agostino@bellaray
Martin Kørra@surleweb
esperanza @espymagana
Claire Austin-Kulat@keanuvarda
Fran Lewis@franlewis
Brad Xie@brad
Neta Steingart@neta_shin
Anne Driscoll @settlerofcatanne
Samantha Chavez @sam_denisse
Kim Arychuk@kimba13
Ketevan Marr@ketevan
Amber Laha@amberml
Dean Peterson@deanpeterson