
Haunted Nights would have been a perfect read in October as it is a collection of short stories all about Halloween! From creepy to funny to sad, this is a varied collection from a lot of fairly well-known authors in the SFF/horror genre. There's really something for everyone, and while not every single story was excellent, the collection as a whole is a delight! A few of the standouts were Lost in the Dark by John Langan. I would read a novel about this odd little documentary turned horror movie. Get on that Langan! A Kingdom of Sugar Skulls and Marigold by Eric J. Guignard was brilliant and colourful and made me want to cry. The First Lunar Halloween by John R Little was a chilling SF Halloween story that reminded me of shorts from the Golden Age. I could go on as I liked almost every story (save for Miskowski's. Alas! There's almost always a dud in every collection). Definitely worth picking up! (Though perhaps save it for next October!)