Heart Recaptured

Heart Recaptured

Tillie Cole2014
Even salvation can be delivered through the love of the damned...Beauty can be a curse.Faith can be a cage.Only love can set you free. A few long weeks after being reluctantly ripped from the comforting embrace of her sacred prophet's religious commune-the only life she has ever known-a terrified Delilah is thrust into a world enveloped by evil and swimming in sin. Steadfastly devout in her faith, and retaining the deep belief that her soul is innately tarnished as a branded 'Cursed woman of Eve', Delilah is determined to find her way home to her people in The Order and away from the corrupt and damned outlaw motorcycle club-The Hades Hangmen-who hold her at their secluded compound for her protection-a 'protection' she strongly resents. Delilah yearns to return home, convinced that only amongst her own people, and under the holy guidance of the Lord's revealed prophet, can her Satan-spawned soul be truly saved. Conditioned her entire life to believe she is a witch... a life-long temptress... the devil's whore... Delilah increasingly resents her beautiful face, her shapely body and her sensuous effect on men. But when a man of the motorcycle club-a deeply sinful yet stunningly beautiful man-is charged with her care, Delilah begins to see that this dangerous and moralless sinner from the 'outside' may offer her something she did not know could truly exist: unconditional love.Kyler 'Ky' Willis loves his life: a daily abundance of brotherhood, liquor, the freedom of the open-road and-best of all-his pick of hot women. Raised a biker brat and now VP of the most notorious MC in the States, Ky has no shortage of club sluts warming his bed; a situation he takes full advantage of... until a certain blonde enters his life... a gorgeous pilgrim-blonde he can't get out of his head... a pilgrim-blonde he and his club recently-rescued from some backward religious cult... and a pilgrim-blonde he's been ordered to keep the hell away from and his whorish hands off.When yet another in a lengthy line of drunken blunders forces Ky to reluctantly take charge of the pilgrim-blonde's care, he realizes that there could be more to this woman than just supermodel looks and a stacked set of tits. He begins to see that she could be the woman who could do the impossible-tame his wild ways and capture his reluctant heart.But the unyielding bonds of Lilah's past are strong, her 'people' determined and, with a new Prophet in charge and hell bent on revenge, they are mightily reluctant to let her go...Dark Contemporary Romance.Contains explicit sexual situations, violence, disturbingly sensitive and taboo subjects, offensive language, and very mature topics.Recommended for age 18 years and up*
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Photo of Lover of Romance
Lover of Romance @addictedtoromance
4 stars
Jan 1, 2023

This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance So Heart Recaptured is a wonderful book and continues on the Hades Hangman series. Now, this author writes dark romance and there is subject matter that won’t be for everyone. So fair warning that it does have some trigger warning but I do admire what this author has done with the idea of this series with a blend of a MC and dealing with religious cults and many things we see have happened in real life and I love it when authors bring attention to situations that not many are aware of, but it can be difficult to see this happen. In Heart Recaptured we have Delilah or also likes to be known as “Lilah” and where she and her sister have been rescued. Lilah however never wanted to be rescued. She grew up in the culture of the religious cult, and she did have a family, but when her father and childhood friend attacked her sexually, she was viewed as “evil” and was sent away. But her faith is all that she knows and believes in and she doesn’t know how to handle Ky’s attention or the Motorcycle Club, its so different from anything she has ever known and she fears the outside. When Ky is instructed to help Lilah adapt to her new life, there begins to have some genuine emotion between them form and a close bond develops between them but her old lifestyle and her new life will come to battle with each other and Lilah will have to make a difficult choice… “Ky, my heart...it beats for you. My lungs, they breathe for you. My soul..." Ky's eyes filled with emotion as I spoke. "What sweet cheeks? Tell me," he asked, a hint of desperation in his voice. "My soul...belongs to you. You saved me, baby. You wanted me for the me inside. Even looking like this, you make me believe I am enough.” I adored this story quite a bit, although not quite as much as book one and mostly because there is more crude language from the hero that I didn’t care for. In the MC culture, it probably isn’t that offensive, but it just rubbed me the wrong way so be warned that the language might be too strong at times although it does soften towards the end. The heroine was way more entrenched into the faith than the other two sisters so we see how she really battles with herself much more than the other women have. I did enjoy seeing her find what Christian Faith really is all about and leave behind the lies that she has been told all of her life. “I love you, Li. Christ, I fuckin' love you," he confessed. I could hear the disbelief and shock laced in his voice. My heart swelled and I began to think of a life with him. A life far from all I had been taught was true, but my soul was attached to his...joined, melded with his. And it was quite interesting seeing the biggest playboy of the MC, fall head over heels in love with Lilah. And we see a different side to his character and seeing Ky show her what life can really be and embrace it was very enchanting and tugs you instantly into their story and you just don’t want to let go and whew….the last part of the story gets pretty intense though and not what I quite expected and Tillie Cole always can get my heart rate up and kept me fully engaged in the story and definitely a thrilling quick read to endear the reader in ways you don’t imagine will happen. A TRUE ADVENTURE!

Photo of cris 🫀
cris 🫀@crislvsbooks
4 stars
Sep 19, 2022

Tercera vez leyendo este libro; tercera vez llorando. Lilah es nombrada una de las "mujeres malditas de Eva" a la tierna edad de seis años, por ello es arrojada a una existencia llena de dolor y tormento, en la que poco a poco han roto en tantas piezas su mente, que se encuentra irreversiblemente dañada. O eso parece. Ky es el VP del MC más temido de los Estados, ama vivir y montar libre sin rendirle cuentas a nadie más que a su club. La vida de ellos dos son conectadas como un choque de trenes, y ambos aprenderán que hay un sentimiento mucho más allá de lo que pueden manejar, que puede curarlo y remediarlo todo. Cada vez que leo esta serie vuelvo a sufrir exactamente como la primera vez. Por alguna razón en mis recuerdos no pasan cosas tan jodidas como las que leo. Pero bueno, sí las pasan. Por primera vez creo que llegué a sentir de una forma más directa el dolor de Lilah, y creo que se debe a que yo he madurado como persona, y ahora percibo muchas cosas de formas distintas. Todas las protagonistas en esta serie sufren demasiado y el nivel de dolor que ha pasado cada una, no es bajo ningún motivo, comparable entre sí. Pero por algún motivo, la cantidad de dolor que hay en los pensamientos de Lilah me rebasa. Sufrió tanto que no puedo creer que esta mujer siga viviendo. Comenzando por el hecho de que le lavaron tanto el cerebro que creyó firmemente en todas las palabras que le decían. Ella realmente creyó que merecía sufrir y que tenía el mal dentro de su cuerpo. Del otro lado de la historia tenemos a Ky. Tengo que decir que es con el que menos empatizo. Literalmente es un niño bonito que no había sufrido ni un fcking gramo hasta que conoció a Lilah. No me desagrada Ky, pero si me cuesta empatizar con alguien que ha tenido la mejor vida de toda la serie. But it's okay, i guees. Se lo perdono todo porque la forma en que actuó con Lilah era tan linda, cuando le enseñaba como funcionaba el mundo, cuando la cuidaba y lo que le decía; era muy tierno. Como trasfondo a la historia de ellos dos, tenemos el asunto de la comuna. Dios, me volví a estresar como si no supiera todo lo que se viene. Juro que no recordaba al "Profeta Caín" tan hdp. Cuando se lavó de las manos el futuro de Lilah para ponerlo en manos de su gemelo Judah más hdp aún, quería entrar al libro y golpearlo. Pero supongo que no recordar tan fuerte todo el mal que hizo, habla de lo bien planteada que estuvo su redención. A pesar de que este es el libro más largo de la serie, si no me equivoco, no se siente tan extenso. Lo único que se siente es el gran pesar de todas las desgracias por las que pasa Lilah. Me gustó el hecho de que Tilie mantuvo la esencia de los personajes de las hermanas, no les quitó algo que es fundamental para ellas, su fe. Al leer este libro tantas veces, me percaté de un hecho que dejó doliendo a mi corazón. Lilah, nunca, a pesar de todo, nunca, dejó de creer que ella tenía el mal detrás de toda su belleza. Y creo que eso me hizo llorar un poco más. Pero es entendible, después de todos esos años de abuso, no podíamos pedir que todo su pasado no dejara secuelas.

Photo of Loulou
2 stars
Aug 12, 2022

2 stars Omg, I didn't like it. I felt bad for Lilah and her story made me cry. But Ky, I heated that man, he never listened to what Lilah said and from all the compliments he could choose, he always choose "beautiful" it was like wtf? Why would you say that when she is terrified of beauty?. I couldn't sympathize with him. Every chapter was super repetitive, I never saw any evolution, the dialogues were the same every time like we get it, Ky has a big d, you don't have to say it in every chapter. It was very difficult reading for me because I really like it the first book but this was a hard no for me. But I'm excited about Flame and Maddie story

Photo of JoLee
3 stars
Jun 26, 2022

Rating: 3 Stars - Liked It Thoughts: Lilah was a hard character to take in at times. I did not dislike her she just seemed so stubborn. I understood where she was coming from. She did not want to leave the cult that was taken from her. She could not understand they are bad people and what they are doing is wrong. As I loved having the cult in the first book I felt it was too much of them in this book. The plot line with them towards the end felt the same as book 1. Wanted a little something different.

Photo of Tanya
Tanya @babygyalreadit
4 stars
Mar 16, 2022

Well, this one got progressively darker. I had to skip quite a few bits it was too much for me visually & I was disturbed. That aside *sigh* I’m glad Ky found someone, granted she was nutty, vulnerable, weak, damaged but somehow they worked. Which brings me to Lilah, I’m not gonna lie sis worked my fucking nerves, I wish she came to her senses sooner. She was just too stuck in her ways & brainwashed no matter what anyone said or did & it was too freaking sad at times. I wanted to slap her to wake her up. I’m also sick of Cain, he needs to go like tuck your tail and accept the L please. I’d prefer a new antagonist at this point. I’m sick of his ass. Like I said in the beginning this one is considerably darker than book 1 bc Lilah went through quite more than Mae & the details are VERY graphic so beware of that.

Photo of Loulou
2 stars
Jan 14, 2022

2 stars Omg, I didn't like it. I felt bad for Lilah and her story made me cry. But Ky, I heated that man, he never listened to what Lilah said and from all the compliments he could choose, he always choose "beautiful" it was like wtf? Why would you say that when she is terrified of beauty?. I couldn't sympathize with him. Every chapter was super repetitive, I never saw any evolution, the dialogues were the same every time like we get it, Ky has a big d, you don't have to say it in every chapter. It was very difficult reading for me because I really like it the first book but this was a hard no for me. But I'm excited about Flame and Maddie story

Photo of Aayusma Aryal
Aayusma Aryal@musi
4 stars
Dec 23, 2021

Finished this in ONE GULP. Damn it was a journey. At times it gives you nightmares so please check the trigger warnings before starting BUT I PROMISE YOU IT WAS ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS I READ THIS YEAR

Photo of leah
5 stars
Dec 21, 2021

another one of the hangmen books i’m obsessed with. ky and lilah were just something else and the ending of this book was the best thing too

Photo of Michelle Vasquez
Michelle Vasquez@yourfavoritebookbag
4 stars
Sep 27, 2021

Ky and Lilah were beautifully broken and perfect for each other “My soul… belongs to you. You saved me, baby. You wanted me for the me inside. Even looking like this, you make me believe I am enough.” Lilah is beauty personified. She is ethereal, and anyone that has ever had the chance to experience her beauty has been drawn to her. This has been her undoing. Her sin, as they said. She never saw that her beauty was something to be proud of, but something that became the one thing she tried to escape from. Ky. The VP of the Hades Hangmen. Styx’s right hand; a playboy and one that loves having a revolving door of fun. He’s a walking dreamboat; he knows it and uses it to his advantage. He didn’t realize that by meeting Lilah it would bring him to his knees. “Heart Recaptured,” is book two in the Hades Hangmen Series by Tillie Cole. It is a dark MC romance, and picks up with the overall plot that started in book one and continues on with Lilah and Ky’s story. This one was a tougher pill to swallow in regards to how they got to their happy ending. It dealt with the underlying conditions that Lilah was facing being out on her own, within the walls of the MC- her overall fear and uncertainty that she was trying to navigate through, along with the foreign feelings she had been developing for Ky. He became her safe place as the story went on, but the overall trauma and brainwashing that she endured made it really hard to get to their happy ending. It showcased that beauty was only skin deep, and what truly matters is the heart of the person you’re sharing your soul with. Trigger Warning Advised.

Photo of Lacey
5 stars
Aug 26, 2021

Originally posted at Booklovers For Life OMG. OMG OMG OMG!!!! This. Book. I freaking LOVED it!! I’d been in an MC funk for a while – I just couldn’t find one that would hook me in, and then I got to reading Heart Recaptured and BAM. I fell instantly in love with this one. I really enjoyed the first book, It Ain’t Me, Babe, but it was Heart Recaptured that sold this series for me. I loved everything about this book: the writing, Ky, Lilah, the Hades Hangmen, Flame(!!!)… there was nothing I didn’t adore! We know from the previous book that Lilah, Mae, and Maddie have been taken in by the Hades Hangmen MC, and while Mae has adjusted well (with the help of her man Styx), Lilah and Maddie are still completely out of their element. They’ve been taken away from the Commune and from everything they’ve ever known. Lilah is the one who holds the strongest onto the Commune’s beliefs. My heart went out to this girl – she believes so poorly of herself because all she’s ever been told is that she’s cursed and that she isn’t worthy of anything. It’s frustrating that Lilah is so rigid in her beliefs, but I could understand where she was coming from. She never knew any differently, she never thought she deserved anything better, and she’s not accepting of the new life she’s been given. She detests the Hangmen, believing them full of sin, but everything changes once she meets Ky. I lost all composure when he was near. He was crude, grossly promiscuous, and although my mind warned me of his evil and seductive nature, my heart betrayed my virtue and strived to have him close. His beautiful face and body tempted me to take him into my body. He was my very own forbidden fruit, one of which I had to keep far far away. Ky, this beautiful, loving, amazing man… is the ultimate manwhore. I should have hated him, because manwhores are just blah for me, but Ky has so many redeeming qualities that I instantly forgave him for his manwhoring ways. As the VP, Ky gets a lot of attention from the club and from women, but no one has ever held his attention like Lilah has. The instant he sees her, he wants her but he’s been told to keep his hands off her. It doesn’t help that he’s in close proximity with her all the time, especially since he’s been tasked to assimilating her to life outside the Commune. As Lilah adjusts to the MC life, she learns more about Ky, and what she learns, she likes. And, of course, it’s easy for her to fall for Ky and his loving, protective ways. He teaches her that she’s worth so much more than she believes and he teaches her to love herself. As for Ky, the more he spends time with Lilah, the more he wants her – and not just for sex. He wants her body, her heart… everything. Fuck me, but she had me enthralled. I was eating, sleeping, and breathing for this very beautiful but very broken bitch. I honestly LOVED the way Tillie Cole makes Ky and Lilah fall in love. It’s slow and sweet, but still full of hot chemistry. I love that they are so taken aback by the love they come to feel for each other, because they’ve never felt like that for anyone. I could just FEEL the love that grows between them and it swept me away. “I’m gonna make love to you, Lilah. I’m gonna take you as mine, possess you. ‘Cause there ain’t no one out there… no one else who could do this to me but you.” Ky will literally do ANYTHING for Lilah and oh… I adored how fierce his love is. He may never have experienced love before, but once he falls, he falls so hard. I. Love. Ky!!! And his sweet, sweet words! “I love you, baby. We’re gonna get you through this, ’cause, fuck, you deserve more to life than you’ve been getting. You deserve to be happy with me.” Aahhhhh, you just can’t not love Ky! Unfortunately, the leaders of the Commune are still after the girls, Mae specifically. We get to see more of Rider, who will be getting his own book. It gets crazy intense, because when someone’s after the Hades Hangmen’s women, the club will stop at nothing to keep their women safe and protected. Another thing I loved about Heart Recaptured… Flame and Maddie!!!! I am just SO excited for their book after reading Heart Recaptured. Flame is the most alpha, obsessive, protective man over Maddie, and it was sooo good to read! I was grinning every time Flame was worried or protecting Maddie in his own way. I need their book so bad!! Heart Recaptured is the perfect dark, MC read. I was utterly addicted from start to finish – I couldn’t put this book down! If you’re looking to read an MC series, I must recommend the Hades Hangmen series. These books will sweep you away and have you addicted and begging for more. Quotes are taken from the ARC and are subject to change in the final version. Thanks to the author for generously providing me an ARC to review. Amazon Ebook: http://amzn.to/1GOiztC Amazon Paperback: http://amzn.to/1ED0VJr Liked this review? Subscribe to Booklovers For Life for more!

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