Nobody's Boy
"Nobody's Boy" is a human document of child experiences that is fascinating reading for young and old. Parents, teachers and others, who are careful to have children read inspiring books, will welcome this beautiful story of Hector Malot, as among the best for them to recommend.

heleen de boever@hlndb
Some stories engrave themselves in your bones and I cannot think about this book without having my heart contract into one, compact, organ of palpitating sadness.

Zainab @znybaa1

Doan Tran Minh Thanh@minhthanh

Larisa @lrs19

Pham Minh Nghi@norapham

Linnea Bjerke@linneabjerke

Aline Peeters@alinea

Patricia Sovan@patricia_sovan


Ana Molnar@anaamolnar

Otilia Marinescu@otilia