The Daylight Marriage

- Quick glimpse into every spouse’s nightmare - Before reading this, I had been wanting other books to be this short, because the ones I had been reading had way too much detail. I was glad when I saw this page count. However, now I see why detail can sometimes be good. Although there is nothing that I can think of that I would specifically add, I still will think twice before I complain about detail next time. I don’t want to go as far as to say that something was missing from this novel, because I feel like that would discredit how honestly I did enjoy it. There are a few parts that I feel like were lacking in detail or character insight, or that I would have liked to see filled out. But, these things that were left out also added to an endearing sense of writing style. I’m torn about whether I would change it. - The plot seemed to be somewhat lacking in climax. I’m not sure if this added to a sense of mystery, or if it brought the book down. I’m very curious about the author’s goals when writing this story. - Good display of the ups and downs in marriage - Almost a ‘Gone Girl’ feeling when we’re wondering whether or not the husband was involved in his wife’s disappearance. I wanted the murder to have more significance, so maybe I was just hoping for a Flynn-like turn. - Alluded to the marriage being bad, and to exes’ appearances that didn’t amount to anything. - Felt very fleeting but also felt like that may have been the point - Great final scene that shows so much potential that it makes me wish the writer went back and re-wrote everything with this seemingly newfound talent