Hein de Haas, Simona Vezzoli, Alice Szczepanikova, Tine Van Criekinge
European Migrations
Dynamics, Drivers, and the Role of Policies

European Migrations Dynamics, Drivers, and the Role of Policies

Effective migration management needs to be underpinned by a realistic understanding of the drivers and dynamics of migration and should incorporate lessons learnt about the effects and effectiveness of past migration policies. This study draws policy implications from the analysis of the evolution of European post-war migrations. It examines the effects of internal border opening combined with the ongoing convergence of immigration rules and visa requirements in Europe. Based on the insight that migration is driven by structural factors that often lie beyond the reach of migration policies, the second part of the study looks closely at structural factors that shape migration in both origin and destination countries and assesses the extent to which polices are able to address these factors. Two key areas are analysed in more detail: the level of development in countries of origin and the structure of labour demand in destination countries. The study shows the importance of understanding the impacts of ‘non-migration’ policies on long-term patterns and trends of migration. This is particularly relevant when the effects of economic, foreign, trade, development, agricultural or fisheries policies are potentially inconsistent with the political desire to control or curb migration.
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