Collected Wheel Publications Volume XXIV

Collected Wheel Publications Volume XXIV Numbers 362 to 376

This book contains fourteen numbers of the renowned Wheel Publication series, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha’s teaching. Wheel Publication 362: Lives of the Disciples - Anuruddha, Master of the Divine Eye—Hellmuth Hecker 363–364: Two Dialogues on Dhamma—Bhikkhu Nyanasobhano 365–366: Metta—Acariya Buddharakkhita 367–369: Dana — The Practice of Giving—Bhikkhu Bodhi 370–371: Satipatthana Vipassana—Mahasi Sayadaw 372: The Message of the Velama Sutta—Susan Elbaum Jootla 373–374: Looking Inward—Tan Acharn Kor / Khao-suan-luang 375–376: The Essential Practice - Part I—Venerable Webu Sayadaw
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