Daisy Miller
Easy read

Daisy Miller

Henry James2005

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Photo of ceren koc
ceren koc@313odile
1 star
Aug 11, 2024

she is just a stereotyped

Photo of dija
3 stars
Jan 23, 2023

Why did it have to end that way? *A whisper from the back of my mind* Becaus it's a classic

Photo of Jasmine Stanway
Jasmine Stanway@jestanwaywrites
3 stars
Jan 5, 2023

** spoiler alert ** Daisy Miller was not what I expected it to be. I really liked it, but I expected Daisy’s character and her relationship with Winterbourne to be much more developed. Of course being a short story, there was only so much time for it. I find with HJ that he enjoys unrequited love tales, as this story, much like Pandora, focuses on a young man in love with a girl in a while other league who barely takes notice of him. It’s an interesting story, a girl who doesn’t seem to pick up on the social cues of her new circle, carrying an insolent sort of outlook towards such manners that ultimately leads to her downfall. It’s hard to discern what kind of message HJ was trying to get across in this story- I suppose it is left up to our own interpretation more or less- but overall, I liked the concept, and appreciated being able to finish it in one sitting ♥️

Photo of andrea
2 stars
Dec 14, 2022

mr henry james has very interesting ideas and themes he expresses in his works and i do know that in realist texts the characters are much more important than the plot itself, but this was so boring. it gave me nothing sorry

Photo of Trever
2 stars
Jul 2, 2022

This is the first Henry James that I've finished. The writing is okay, but overall this just felt a little...odd, I guess. Daisy is someone who shows up and talks sass to people, and she seems like the prototype for a lot of male-created empowered women in fiction (e.g. Holly Golightly). It's really more of a character study than a full story. But that ending was unnecessary.

Photo of Angela Guilherme
Angela Guilherme@landslide
2 stars
Mar 24, 2022

Não gostei particularmente deste conto. A Daisy irritou-me porque parecia querer chocar só por chocar. Se as suas atitudes fossem motivadas por um sentimento verdadeiro, ainda conseguia perceber, mas não. E depois agia como se não percebesse que estava a fazer algo de mal (de acordo com as convenções sociais da época) e fiquei sem perceber se era parvinha ou se era sonsa. Também não gostei particularmente de Winterbourne. A facilidade com que desculpava as atitudes de Daisy só porque esta era muito bela. Como se a beleza desculpasse a tontice...

Photo of Irem
3 stars
Mar 10, 2022

Dönemin Avrupa ile Amerika arasındaki kültür farkına ve bu farkın şokunu yaşayan Amerikalı bir kız üzerinden liberalizm ile muhafazakarlık, kadın-erkek dünyası ve bireysel özgürlüklere dair kısa bir anlatı. Ancak benim çok sevdiğimi söyleyemeyeceğim.

Photo of Lucía RG
Lucía RG@awwsunshine
4 stars
Dec 29, 2021

"It seemed to him also that Daisy had never looked so pretty, but this had been an observation of his whenever he met her." This line broke my heart

Photo of adria
4 stars
Nov 9, 2021

I didn't particularly enjoy the point of view from which the book war narrated. I would have loved to read from Daisy's POV. Other than that, however, I absolutely loved this.

Photo of Nicolás Niño
Nicolás Niño @niconv
3 stars
Nov 6, 2021

3.5 ⭐️

Photo of Tania Cheong
Tania Cheong@wordwandering
4 stars
Aug 30, 2021

Daisy Miller is a short read about... well Daisy Miller of course! Her character is one that we have to pay close attention to and greatly admire. Her naivety and carefreeness is what attracts the readers. Winterbourne's feelings towards her are greatly understood by myself; a feeling of needing to be needed by someone you need- Daisy's independent spirit never addressed such a need in Winterbourne.

Photo of Erin
Erin @pagesofmilkandhoney
3 stars
Aug 30, 2021

It's ridiculous that this took me nearly a whole month to read considering it's only 4 stories in total, but that just goes to show how much I was putting off reading each one. They're long with multiple chapters, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but not what I was signing up for (at least, not at this time). It was also my first foray into the work of Henry James, and I still don't really have an idea about how I feel about him. But I finished it, which is the only thing that matters. Daisy Miller: 3.5 stars Pandora: 4.5 stars The Patagonia: 3.5 stars (There's a fourth story, but I don't have a rating written down and frankly, I can't be bothered to retrieve it from my bookshelf to jog my memory. Evidently, it was forgettable.)

Photo of Bryan Alexander
Bryan Alexander@bryanalexander
5 stars
Jul 29, 2021

Somehow I failed to read Daisy Miller until this week. That's probably due to my graduate training in British lit, where we were warned off of the American stuff. Quickly: this is the story of a failed romance, or of a doomed heroine, depending on how you look at it. Miller is an American traveling through Europe with her mother and younger brother. She meets another American abroad, Winterbourne, our point of view character. She flirts with him; he's fascinated by her. But Daisy acts in Swiss and Italian high society in such a way as to cause a scandal. This is a terrific intro to James. It's a very short tale. It isn't about the supernatural, unlike Turn of the Screw or Jolly Corner, and I know fantasy still irks some in the US lit world. Daisy Miller gives you a sample of James' style: the long, twisty sentences and the cool, probing analysis of characters. For those who do literary biography there are some interesting connections with the author's life. Reading it in 2021... this is interesting. So much depends on one's approach to culture and politics. You can see from the preceding that I'm happy to read this formally - I sent my son a series of my favorite sentences and passages, annotated. But I also read as a historicist with a left wing tilt, so naturally I view Daisy Miller as a picture of economic inequality. It dwells on the 1%, its mores and dynamics. You see the split between levels within the elite when Winterbourne's aunt decisively duns the Millers as "common," even though they are lavishly rich. There's the classic avoidance of describing physical work that we see in many writers who focus on the rich (think Austen), even when the labor is right there. If the US is continuing down the path of ever-increasing economic inequality, then a 2021 reader might enjoy drawing links to the precious Roman drawing rooms where Daisy flames out. This is also a story about women and their social constraints. I don't know much about its reception, but I imagine this theme has been important in how people think about it at least as far back as the 1960s. In 2021 I would bet many readers, at least the progressive ones, would see this. Last note: I tend to see the Gothic in most things. Here I was struck by the looming presence of a notorious/famous castle in the first half, and how that anchors the relationship, signaling Daisy's constraints and her eventual fate. In the second half we build up to a crucial scene that would be right at home in Radcliffe:There was a waning moon in the sky, and her radiance was not brilliant, but she was veiled in a thin cloud curtain which seemed to diffuse and equalize it. When, on his return from the villa (it was eleven o’clock), Winterbourne approached the dusky circle of the Colosseum, it recurred to him, as a lover of the picturesque, that the interior, in the pale moonshine, would be well worth a glance. He turned aside and walked to one of the empty arches.... Then he passed in, among the cavernous shadows of the great structure, and emerged upon the clear and silent arena. The place had never seemed to him more impressive. One-half of the gigantic circus was in deep shade, the other was sleeping in the luminous dusk. As he stood there he began to murmur Byron’s famous lines, out of “Manfred,” but before he had finished his quotation he remembered that if nocturnal meditations in the Colosseum are recommended by the poets, they are deprecated by the doctors. The historic atmosphere was there, certainly; but the historic atmosphere, scientifically considered, was no better than a villainous miasma. Winterbourne walked to the middle of the arena, to take a more general glance, intending thereafter to make a hasty retreat. The great cross in the center was covered with shadow; it was only as he drew near it that he made it out distinctly.Gorgeous, Goth perfect, and doom-filled. And that's where our point of view character finds Daisy and the breaking point. (That's the second Byron name-check, btw.) Without risking spoilerizing too much, the story's finale has a special resonance for anyone on Earth during the past year. Ah, now I want to fill in my mental library with all the James I've missed.

Photo of joa
4 stars
Nov 2, 2024
Photo of Sabrina D.
Sabrina D. @readingsofaslinky
3 stars
Dec 29, 2022
Photo of Katrina Wilson
Katrina Wilson@kwilson
3 stars
Jul 16, 2024
Photo of Mina
3 stars
Jun 6, 2024
Photo of Lindsy Rice
Lindsy Rice@lindsyrice
4 stars
Jan 12, 2024
Photo of savannah eden
savannah eden@savbrads
2 stars
Jan 8, 2024
Photo of Andrew John Kinney
Andrew John Kinney@numidica
4 stars
Aug 18, 2023
Photo of shelby mosel
shelby mosel@shelbymosel
5 stars
Jun 28, 2023
Photo of Hope McCollum
Hope McCollum@hmccollum
3 stars
Jun 22, 2023
Photo of heleen de boever
heleen de boever@hlndb
3 stars
Apr 14, 2023
Photo of wren
1 star
Jan 23, 2023