Her Last Breath

About a third of the way through this book I found myself wondering why I was still reading it. I enjoyed the writing style, felt like I was getting a little sucked into the mystery, but I felt like aside from a lot of inner thoughts and people talking, there wasn't a ton actually happening. I actually had figured out they twist by about 40% through the book. But I stuck with it anyways just to see if I was going to be on the mark with my thoughts. The writing WAS good after all. I'm glad I stuck with it as the ending made up for the first half and while I was pretty close on my guess as to what was happening, there were a few wrinkles that I was wrong about that made it more interesting. However, I still can't say I loved it. At the end of the day, I think this book is a great example of a book just not hitting the mark for me. It wasn't really for me, however for fans of the mystery/crime/thriller/suspense genres I can see you loving this story. Well written, I enjoyed the main character of Dierdre and her "bad ass-itude", but ultimately I just wasn't the audience for this book. I don't regret reading it, it just wasn't for me. Full review up soon at aicstories.com