Here to Stay

Here to Stay

Sara Farizan2018
“A powerful YA novel about identity and prejudice.” —Entertainment Weekly Bijan Majidi is: Shy around girls Really into comics Decent at basketball Bijan Majidi is not: A terrorist What happens when a kid who’s flown under the radar for most of high school gets pulled off the bench to make the winning basket in a varsity playoff game? If his name is Bijan Majidi, life is suddenly high fives in the hallways and invitations to exclusive parties—along with an anonymous photo sent by a school cyberbully that makes Bijan look like a terrorist. The administration says they’ll find and punish the culprit. Bijan wants to pretend it never happened. He’s not ashamed of his Middle Eastern heritage; he just doesn’t want to be a poster child for Islamophobia. Lots of classmates rally around Bijan. Others make it clear they don’t want him or anybody who looks like him at their school. But it’s not always easy to tell your enemies from your friends. Here to Stay is a painfully honest, funny, authentic story about growing up, speaking out, and fighting prejudice.
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Photo of Jeni Enjaian
Jeni Enjaian@jenienjaian
4 stars
Oct 30, 2021

One of my favorite parts of this book was the internal narration inside Bijan's head of the NBA commentators. It brought realness and levity to the situation, bringing it down to the level of a junior in high school obsessed with basketball. A few times I saw situations where Farizan could have succumbed to traditional young adult literature full of kids making bad choices at parties simply because they could. I got nervous the first time I saw that but thankfully Farizan stayed on track. It's a good story, fairly well told, just not brilliant.

Photo of Belle Ellrich
Belle Ellrich@belleeeey
5 stars
Aug 30, 2021

*I WAS SENT A PHYSICAL COPY IN RETURN FOR AN HONEST REVIEW BY THE PUBLISHER. THIS DOES NOT AFFECT MY HONEST REVIEW* Here to Stay really changed my perspective on my everyday school life, and even aspects in my public life. Sara Farizan has to be another new favorite author, as this book of hers has really opened my eyes. Farizan brings the topic of Islamaphobia—and even regular racism mixed with prejudice—into the light, and she doesn't let that light shine off of it until the point was made clear. And trust me, anyone who reads this book should get that point from the first few chapters alone. Bijan is a character I felt for deeply. He's just trying to survive high school like the entire teenage population, and he also has his eyes set on the beautiful and ever-popular Elle. But everything changes when his face is photoshopped onto a terrorist's body. Throughout the book, it's made apparent that this will not stand. And I used the points made to try and pick apart my everyday life at school. I tried to see if I was unaware of racism at my own school, and to my horror, I have been unaware of it. A good example of one of the many ways schools are unaware of racism happens to be in a quote I tabbed while reading this. "...the way all the books we read in English class describe people's food color using metaphors." I couldn't help but make sure to NOT to forget this quote. This was an excellent point that was made, and it both saddened and angered me that I never noticed it before. I don't want my friends to be uncomfortable having to read state-issued textbooks with descriptions like these. It's rude, it's uncomfortable even for me, and it's disrespectful to anyone of color. What I hope everyone gathers from this book just like I have, is to keep their eyes open and see what they're missing. To see what is happening under their noses without their realization. I want people to read this and think, "What can I do to help?" And not only that, but I also want people to think, "Do I have privilege? If so, how can I use that privilege to help strengthen the fight against racism?" However, this book not only dealt with the topic of racism, but it also dealt with the topic of sexuality. Bijan was not the only victim in this book, as there was also a picture released of two lesbian characters that I absolutely felt for and wished nothing but happiness. Do you ever feel that for characters? Wanting to jump in the book, give them all a hug and tell them everything would be okay. That you would stick with them well through the end? I wanted to do that for EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER in this book, and I wished so badly to make their pain end. This book shocked me, and I absolutely loved everything about it. The characters were absolutely amazing, and they were well developed throughout the story. The plot was well thought out and perfectly executed. I loved this book, and I thank Sara Farizan for writing this. My rating for Here to Stay is 5/5 stars.

Photo of Abby Byers
Abby Byers@librarianabby
3 stars
Feb 25, 2022
Photo of Elizabeth Hisserich
Elizabeth Hisserich@lizhiss
4 stars
Nov 16, 2021
Photo of Claire Klein
Claire Klein@claire
5 stars
Oct 20, 2021
Photo of Abi Baker
Abi Baker@wicdiv
4 stars
Sep 30, 2021