Bottoms Up
From the moment I met him, I knew he was trouble. He was reckless, cocky, and everything I shouldn't want. I had a life all figured out, and Tucker Moore was not a part of the plan. But somehow I slipped. One moment I had it all under control. The next I was spiraling around him, begging him for whatever he would give me. But as quickly as I fell for him, it all crumbled around us. Because everything I thought I knew was far from the truth. There was only one way to fix what we had done. So I turned my world Bottoms Up.

Missy Zuber @mlz2883

Lisa W.@babeinlibrary

amanda s.@mndshl

੭ nini 𐙚 ׅ ᮫ ⊹@ninilovesreading

Abby Kingerski @abbykingerski

Chase obrochta@cobrochta


Cassandra Paliwoda@asassycassy

Samantha Emery@samj