Home Body
Fast paced

Home Body

Rupi Kaur2020
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of milk and honey and the sun and her flowers comes her greatly anticipated third collection of poetry. rupi kaur constantly embraces growth, and in home body, she walks readers through a reflective and intimate journey visiting the past, the present, and the potential of the self. home body is a collection of raw, honest conversations with oneself - reminding readers to fill up on love, acceptance, community, family, and embrace change. illustrated by the author, themes of nature and nurture, light and dark, rest here. i dive into the well of my body and end up in another world everything i need already exists in me there’s no need to look anywhere else —home
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Photo of Ashlee
Ashlee @reverent-reader
4 stars
May 26, 2024

As a woman in my thirties, I found this book a bit more relatable than her first work. It’s dark, painful, yet empowering. A simple reminder that our mind and body, sometimes disconnected, will eventually fall in love with one another someday. Milk and Honey will always be a favorite of mine, but some pieces in this book make for a close second.

Photo of Laurel S.
Laurel S.@palefire
2 stars
Feb 1, 2024

Emphatically not for me, she seems cool though.

Photo of Jun Angelo Cabuguas
Jun Angelo Cabuguas@junjello321
4 stars
Jan 10, 2024

poetry :)

Photo of Isabella Castañeda R.
Isabella Castañeda R.@isabellacastanedar
3 stars
Jan 7, 2024

Leer a Rupi es como un mimo al alma. A pesar de ser criticada por su poesía, ella sigue escribiendo. Ese espíritu resiliente que tiene, deja huella. Imposible soltar sus libros. Imposible soltarla a ella. Sin embargo, comparto que la imposibilidad de soltarla no radica en su poesía, sino en su vulnerabilidad. Ella suele presentar a una Rupi bastante humana, que se puede apreciar mucho más que la Rupi poeta. Al final de este libro, esa primera Rupi me sorprendió, pero me hubiese gustado llevarme la sorpresa en un momento más temprano de la lectura, cuando todavía tenía una expectativa algo elevada por el contenido de su tercer libro.

Photo of Dora Tominic
Dora Tominic@dorkele

Disclaimer: this is not a review.

I search for something else in poetry.

Photo of Callie Stull
Callie Stull@calliestull
5 stars
Jul 17, 2023

Major trigger warnings for this book. It discusses many issues like rape, sexual assault, depression, suicide, etc. Very good, the author is very well-spoken and when I started this book it was hard to put down. Obviously its poetry, and often I will pull this back out and read a few before I go to bed at night.

Photo of Susan
4 stars
May 20, 2023

Connected to it personally, was happy to read it all in one day :)

Photo of Kendall Mermuys
Kendall Mermuys@kendallmermuys
5 stars
Apr 27, 2023

This was her best book yet.

Photo of chloe ✩‧₊˚✧。*゚
chloe ✩‧₊˚✧。*゚@libraryofcacw
3 stars
Apr 13, 2023

I liked it but Its not worth the $25 I paid for it 😐

Photo of Maria
4 stars
Mar 11, 2023

I think this was the only Rupi Kaur's collection that I was able to finish. I couldn't really get into her earlier works in "honey and milk" and "the sun and her flowers". What I like about this collection is it's about the self and its internal world. I wouldn't say I liked all of them but a good half of them at least. They all capture really well the feelings and struggles of being a woman in a sexist world, being a minority, and feeling blue.

Photo of Keira
5 stars
Feb 21, 2023

She’s done it again. Absolutely incredible!!

Photo of Addie 🌻
Addie 🌻@addie_reads
2 stars
Jan 24, 2023

I feel as if I’ve read it all before…

Photo of Shona Tiger
Shona Tiger@shonatiger
4 stars
Jan 19, 2023

I like some of the words, but the illustrations are particularly delightful.

Photo of Ivy X
Ivy X@poisonivayy
2 stars
Jan 10, 2023

2.5 Not the biggest fan of this book -- there were some good sections but a lot of it felt very tumblr. Quotes: - Why do i let my mind get under my skin i am so sensitive -my chest collapses into my stomach knowing that i have to get up in the morning and pretend i'm not fading away all over again. - abuse doesn't just happen in romantic relationships abuse can live in friendships too -you lose everything when you don't love yourself and gain everything when you do -what i went through pulled a warrior out of me and it is my greatest honor to be her -sometimes i love you means i want to love you sometimes i love you means I'll stay little while longer sometimes i love you means i'm not sure how to leave sometimes i love you means i have nowhere else to go - if you're waiting for them to make you feel like you're enough you'll be waiting a long time -your partner is supposed to enrich your life not drain it staying when it hurts is not love -i measure my self-worth by how productive I've been but no matter how hard i work i still feel inadequate -isn't the dream that i have a mother to call and a table to eat breakfast at instead i'm lost in the sick need to optimize every hour of my day -i miss knowing i once belonged to a group of people bigger than myself that belonging made life easier to live

Photo of Pipsy Roque
Pipsy Roque@pipsy
1 star
Jan 2, 2023

After disliking one of the author's other book I decided to give it another try. And yet again my thoughts wouldn't go past the fact that all was so so so basic... I felt I was 13 and spending time reading things on tumblr all over again.

Photo of Stef
3 stars
Jan 2, 2023

" our minds erase trauma to help us move on but every experience i’ve had is memorized in my flesh even if my mind forgets my body remembers my body is the map of my life my body wears what it’s been through my body signals the alarms when it thinks danger is coming and suddenly the hungry little demons from my past come raging out of my flesh screaming don’t you forget us don’t you ever try to leave us behind again."

Photo of Kendall Mermuys
Kendall Mermuys@kendallmermuys
5 stars
Dec 31, 2022

This was her best book yet.

Photo of Kate B-L
Kate B-L@librarycard
4 stars
Dec 29, 2022

Bold, feminist, enriched with lines that read like affirmations. F*CK a coffee table book, put this on your table instead.

Photo of Sofia Arcângelo
Sofia Arcângelo @book_eater
5 stars
Dec 26, 2022

I love the message in Rupi Kaur books. The way she writes about trauma, social injustice, racism, feminism, self empowerment, is so important. We tend to ignore ourselves, but self-care is imperative. "there is a conversation happening inside you pay deep attention to what your inner world is saying" It's not so much about poetry, or the traditional structure of poetry, as many criticise , it's about the message that this book sends. "make it a point to love yourself as fiercely as you do other people" I've become a fierce admirer of Rupi Kaur books.

Photo of Pien van Nunen
Pien van Nunen@pienvannunen
3 stars
Dec 15, 2022


Photo of Irene Alegre
Irene Alegre@irenealegre
1 star
Aug 15, 2022

I think I read three or four poems in this collection before I decided I was not going to continue. I'm not someone who shies away from heavy topics, but this felt like torture porn, over and over. Sexual abuse, depression, more sexual abuse, relationship abuse... I'm not invalidating the author's feelings or experiences, but at the same time it felt somewhat gratuitous and written for shock value. I'm not familiar with the rest of this author's work, so I can't comment on the quality of this book versus her previous poetry, but I don't think I'll read more from her.

Photo of Katie Leuteritz
Katie Leuteritz@booklover15
3 stars
Aug 14, 2022

Rupi Kaur wrote another wonderful book of heartbreak, loss, growth, trauma, and healing. No matter how I am feeling she has poem that can but my emotions into words. Everytime I pick up one of her books I learn something new. As much as I did like this book, I feel like some of her other poem collections focus a bit more on the inspiration after the situation than this one did. While life is not always a happy ending, it can feel nice to not only understand that others have gone though the same thing, but they have found hope, and therefore you can too.

Photo of Sean Valencia Monte
Sean Valencia Monte@seanvalenciaa
2 stars
Aug 2, 2022

interesting... this is the first poetry book that I've read and it confused me a bit. I liked the message on some parts, but I was genuinely perplexed in certain areas because it was talking about this thing and then it started to talk about another thing. It felt all over the place, but maybe that's the point of poetry ??? Not sure if this is my thing but it was cool to read it.

Photo of ✨sunshine✨
5 stars
Jul 30, 2022

"how can i be so cruel to myself when i’m doing the best i can - be gentle"


Photo of sina (she/her)
sina (she/her) @sina

no one on this planet

is in more denial

than the white man

who regardless of all

the evidence in front of him

still thinks racism and sexism

and all the world's pain don't exist

Page 148
Photo of sina (she/her)
sina (she/her) @sina

how do we sleep at night knowing the systems we uphold treat the foundations of our society as second-class citizens when they are the reason the wheels of this world stay turning

Page 95
Photo of sina (she/her)
sina (she/her) @sina

i'm too in love with my life

to be spilling all over the floor

for the next man

who gives me butterflies

when i could look in the mirror and take my own breath away

Page 67

Last two lines 💪🏻

Photo of sina (she/her)
sina (she/her) @sina

my mind keeps running off to dark corners and coming back with reasons for why i am not enough

Page 10
Photo of nanafark

we can work at our own pace

and still be successful

Page 91
Photo of nanafark

i have this productivity anxiety

that everyone else is working harder than me

and i’m going to be left behind

cause i’m not working fast enough

long enough

and i’m wasting my time

Page 88
Photo of nanafark

i measure my self-worth

by how productive i’ve been

but no matter

how hard i work

i still feel inadequate

- productivity guilt

Page 86
Photo of nanafark

it’s impossible

for one person to

fill you up

in all the ways

you need to be filled

your partner

can’t be your everything

Page 70
Photo of nanafark

your partner is supposed to

enrich your life

not drain it

staying when it hurts is not love

Page 66
Photo of nanafark

if you’re waiting for them

to make you feel like you’re enough

you’ll be waiting a long time

Page 58
Photo of nanafark

if someone doesn’t have a heart

you can’t go around

offering them yours

Page 56
Photo of nanafark


i love you means

i want to love you


i love you means

i’ll stay a little while longer


i love you means

i’m not sure how to leave


i love you means

i have nowhere else to go

Page 50
Photo of nanafark

you didn’t lose it

happiness has always been here

- you just lost perspective

Page 41
Photo of nanafark

how can i be so

cruel to myself

when i’m doing the best i can

- be gentle

Page 34
Photo of nanafark

i’m either romanticizing the past

or i’m busy worrying about the future

it’s no wonder

i don’t feel alive

i’m not living

in the only moment that’s real

- present

Page 32
Photo of nanafark

i am not my worst days

i am not what happened to me

- reminder

Page 30
Photo of nanafark

if you could accept

that perfection is impossible

what would you stop obsessing over

Page 18
Photo of nanafark

i have never known anything more

quietly loud than anxiety

Page 17
Photo of nanafark

my mind keeps running off to dark corners

and coming back with reasons for

why i am not enough

Page 10
Photo of nanafark

why do i let my mind

get under my skin

i am so sensitive

Page 9
Photo of Lara owens
Lara owens @laza191

sometimes i love you means i want to love you

Sometimes i love you means ill stay a little while longer

Sometimes i love you means i'm not sure how to leave

Sometimes i love you means i have nowhere else to go

Photo of Lara owens
Lara owens @laza191

it feels like i'm watching my life happen through a fuzzy television screen. i feel far away from this world. almost foreign in this body. as if every happy memory has been wiped clean from the bowl of my mind. i close my eyes and i can't remember what happy feels like. my chest collapses into my stomach knowing that i have to get up in the morning and pretend im not fading away all over again. i want to reach out and touch things. i want to feel them touch me back. i want to live. iwant the vitality of my life back.

Photo of Karin Volarić
Karin Volarić@karin16

nisam samo moj najgori dan nisam samo ono što mi se dogodilo -podsjetnik ili romantično sanjarim o prošlosti ili se brinem zbog budućnosti nije ni čudo da se ne osjećam živom kad ne živim u jedinom trenutku koji je stvaran -sadašnjost ipak dišem zar ne to je sigurno znak to je sigurno znak da je svemir na mojoj strani ako sam dogurala dovde mogu i do kraja ljubav prema meni samoj izvest će me iz tame nisi je izgubila sreća je uvijek bila uz tebe -samo si izgubila perspektivu želim paradu želim glazbu želim konfete želim limenu glazbu za one koji su preživjeli šutke želim aplauz na nogama za svaku osobu koja se probudi i krene prema suncu dok ih sjena u njima povlači natrag

Photo of Paige Arnold
Paige Arnold@paigena05

you didn't lose it happiness has always been here - you just lost perspective

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